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Everything posted by cocko

  1. i've tried hard, even my friend stay tough me some stuffs of the cop life, but i couldn't keep, up, as my english isnt the best for RP's, thanks for the opportunity.
  2. CubanCar Member:@Stay Activity N: #1 Patrolling and Impounding some vehicles. Screen Shots:https: //imgur.com/a/9HFuU40
  3. Address: Office 3 block bussines Account name: mohammeddsayedd3 Last seen: 4th may 2019 Screenshots:https: //imgur.com/a/UjZysFe
  4. CubanCar Member: @Thing Activity N: #1 Patrolling and Impounding some vehicles. Screen Shots: https://imgur.com/a/8Qdke6B
  5. Address: U Get Inn motel Account name:fugitive9811 Last seen: 1st may 2019 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/3SoUsaK
  6. Address: This Is Where Ment Gave A Blowjob To Teddy Account name:emirhanpolat Last seen: 1st may 2019 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/qtUD9Rn
  7. CubanCar Member:@Stay Activity N: #1 Patrolling and Impounding some vehicles. Screen Shots: https://imgur.com/a/obpguVW
  8. Welcome Dear Reader. I am Ronny josue ingame known as Cocko, i live my life in Venezuela, i work alongside my father, I am a normal guy who does normal stuffs, I am very dedicated towards the game , Saes itself as of I like to play it a lot. Hang with my fellas and being criminal is what brings out my emotions for the gameplay. Ive been in the server for a long time, always wanted to give a try for CubanCars, but back in the days, when there were Live Recruitments hosted by MasterWind and some others Cuban Cars, I felt unworthy for it as I wasnt ready, I had a really bad situation about my English, But I think Im comfortable with it now to give a try, hard. Willing to accomplish my goals. I do believe that I can bring my activity towards Cubancars. Format: CubanCar Member: Activity N:
  9. Good luck !
  10. Adress: Hidden Dildo Store Inc: $6.000 Location: Los Santos Screenshots: http://prntscr.com/nr7f2e //prntscr.com/nr7ejn Starting Big: 1.000.000$
  11. Adress: Carpet Store Inc: $4.000 Location:San Fierro Screenshots:http://prntscr.com/nr7dh0 http://prntscr.com/nr7dut Starting bid: 1.000.000$
  12. Adress: Private Xxx Store Inc: $400 Location: Bone County Screenshots: http://prntscr.com/nr7cv9 http://prntscr.com/nr7d3s Starting bid: 500k
  13. Address:Carpet Store Account name:velkoz44 Last seen:19th april 2019 Screenshots:http://prntscr.com/nqgnyx
  14. Address:4a Donut Road Account name:marso Last seen:1st april 2019 Screenshots: http://prntscr.com/nqgkdf
  15. Address:Hidden Dildo Store Account name:chris95nova Last seen: 12th april 2019 Screenshots:http://prntscr.com/no7u6a
  16. Address:Private Xxx Store Account name:rocker6244 Last seen: 13th april 2019 Screenshots:http://prntscr.com/nnxfi6
  17. Address:Los Santos Pasha Glass Account name:saesfreak Last seen:1st april 2019 Screenshots:https://prnt.sc/nm41fp
  18. If I do not look at the admins roster, sorry
  19. Address:Grocery Store Account name:mierburns Last seen:10th february 2019 Screenshots: https://prnt.sc/nm3vz3
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