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Everything posted by Pticoff

  1. adress: Bayside Loghtgouse account name: hessan210 last seen: 18th November 2023
  2. adress: 9 Groove Street account name: hessan210 last seen: 18th November 2023
  3. adress:Pirates Hideout account name: joacoborasi last seen: 11th november 2023 screen:
  4. adress: Downtown Ls shop account name: joacoborasi last seen: 11th november 2023 screen:blob :
  5. address: macedonian nigger house account name:manuel1902 last seen: 20th October 2023 screen:
  6. Address: East Ls Mansion Account name: khaled0099 Last seen: 05/11/2023 screen: Screenshot:
  7. Game name: 215|Pticoff Game username: Bedrok123 Previous organizations and principles of leaving: SAFP (closed), Rogue21 (AFK gang) Definition of Underground Empire: Underground Empire was founded on June 23, 1866. 3 men - John Dixon, Edward McFarlane, and Judah Davis were former Confederate soldiers. Dixon came from war with his left hand blown off, McFarlane had PTSD and Davis was sick of living In the 30s and 40s, most Underground Empire gangsters and associates went to war. Most went to war to escape criminal charges and they wouldn't have to go to the prison. Many didn't come back after the war.1955 - Most of UE's businesses were in Liberty City. 40% of all properties were burned or destroyed. 55% of the members were killed. 10% more were in prison. 2001 - Some rumors of reviving in Liberty City. 2004 - Secret and unknown gang wipes out most of Vice City gangsters and takes over most businesses. What connects you with the Underground Empire: underground empire is one of the most respected and active gangs on the server, I would be glad to become the family of this gang, I have been trying to join it for a long time, but somehow I didn’t dare, and now I decided to try my luck, there are a lot of active guys in the gang, and I would I wanted to be with them, take part in the war, rob banks and shops! What do you know about organized crime: Organized crime is a group that fights for territory, robs banks and stores, sells weapons and drugs, but the most important thing is not just a gang, but a family
  8. Happy birthday @Halo :moistpepe:
  9. Stopping BR 23/10/2021 Members: @Pticoff @GreenCity @fandi @schwaring Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  10. Stopping SR 22/10/2021 Members: @Pticoff @fandi @scooter Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  11. Securing VIP 22/10/2021 Members: @Pticoff @fandi @scooter Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  12. Stopping SR 16/10/2021 Members: @PticoF @Walker @Yazan @Kaiser Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  13. Securing VIP 13/10/2021 Members: @Rieeria @Laser @PticoF @ZoRo @zerdust Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  14. Securing VIP 07/10/2021 Members: @PticoF @Stell @fandi @Rieeria Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  15. Stopping SR and Patrol 07/10/2021 Members: @PticoF @Holyzerdust @stell @Rieeria @fandi Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  16. Stopping SR 01/10/2021 Members: @PticoF @Swal @SheraP Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  17. Stopping SR 28/09/2021 Members: @PticoF @Glayd @scooter Screenshots: [s=][/s]
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