~[Type Of Activity:]~(orange) Refuelling Crude Oil ALT Refinery ~[Date:]~(orange) 30/11/2021 ~[Participants:]~(orange) @Razer ~[Screenshots:]~(orange) Before: HERE After: HERE [s=] [/s]
^[~[AA:p Assisting BR Z in LS Bank 29,11,2021]~(,BLACK)] @koko @Senpai ^[~[AA:p Assisting BR RF in RC Bank 29,11,2021]~(,BLACK)] @koko @Senpai ~[We have the big guns!]~(magenta)
Part I: Link your Donation Tracking Topic: Point Balance When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? Here ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: Stuntplane Location: BC AP Vehicle 2: turismo Location: 4 Radioview Road Vehicle 3: Stratum Location: 4 Radioview Road Vehicle 4: Monster 3 (Wrap Camo2) Location: 4 Radioview Road Here Interior: Interior 11 Remove: 4 Radioview Road Here ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Stratum (Wrap Camo2) Location: Richmond Hills Townhouse Username: razerGT Interior: - Here Vehicle 2: Stratum Location: Desert View 4 Username: razerGT Interior: - Here Vehicle 3: Alpha Location: 4 Radioview Road Username: razerGT Interior: - Here Vehicle 4: shamal Location: LV AP Username: razerGT Interior: - Interior: Interior 22 Property: Richmond Hills Townhouse Here
~[Type Of Activity:]~(orange) Refueling Crude Oil ALT Refinery ~[Date:]~(orange) 28/11/2021 ~[Participants:]~(orange) @Razer ~[Screenshots:]~(orange) Before: HERE After: HERE [s=] [/s]
~[Type Of Activity:]~(orange) Refueling ~[Date:]~(orange) 28/11/2021 ~[Participants:]~(orange) @Razer ~[Screenshots:]~(orange) Before: HERE After: HERE [s=] [/s]
Display Name: Razer Username: razerGT Link to ALL Donation Topics: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/23397/donation-razer-amount-20-00-gbp https://saesrpg.uk/topic/23396/donation-razer-amount-10-00-gbp https://saesrpg.uk/topic/29572/donation-razer-amount-25-00-gbp Total number of Donation Points: 55
~[D]~(magenta)ate: 25/11/2021 ~[E]~(magenta)vent: Fallout ~[T]~(magenta)otal Prize: $1.000.000 ~[L]~(magenta)WS: @Judyes ~[W]~(magenta)inners: @Reeyzee Screenshots: Here ~[We have the big guns!]~(magenta)