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Everything posted by Razer

  1. ~[A]~(orange)ctivity type: filling ALT refinery. ~[D]~(orange)ate: 09/01/2022 ~[P]~(orange)articipants: @razer ~[S]~(orange)creenshots: Here
  2. ~[A]~(orange)ctivity type: filling gas stations LV. ~[D]~(orange)ate: 09/01/2022 ~[P]~(orange)articipants: @razer ~[S]~(orange)creenshots: Here
  3. ^[~[TURFING 08/01/2022]~(,BLACK)] [s=Before & After] [/s] [s=Screenshots] [/s]
  4. ~[P]~(magenta)art I: ~[L]~(magenta)ink your Donation Tracking Topic: ~[ Point Balance]~(magenta) ~[W]~(magenta)hen was the last time you requested a donation reward change?: ~[Here]~(magenta) ======================================================================== ~[P]~(magenta)art II: What I Want to be Removed ~[V]~(magenta)ehicle 1: Stratum (Wrap Camo2) ~[L]~(magenta)ocation: Richmond Hills Townhouse ~[Here]~(magenta) ~[V]~(magenta)ehicle 2: Stratum ~[L]~(magenta)ocation: Desert View 4 ~[Here]~(magenta) ~[V]~(magenta)ehicle 3: Alpha ~[L]~(magenta)ocation: 4 Radioview Road ~[Here]~(magenta) ~[V]~(magenta)ehicle 4: shamal ~[L]~(magenta)ocation: LV AP ~[Here]~(magenta) ~[I]~(magenta)nterior: ~[R]~(magenta)emove: N/A ======================================================================== ~[P]~(magenta)art III: What I Want to be Added ~[V]~(magenta)ehicle 1: Monster 2 (Wrap Camo2) ~[L]~(magenta)ocation: Richmond Hills Townhouse ~[U]~(magenta)sername: razerGT ~[I]~(magenta)nterior: - ~[Here]~(magenta) ~[V]~(magenta)ehicle 2: Stratum ~[L]~(magenta)ocation: Richmond Hills Townhouse ~[U]~(magenta)sername: razerGT ~[I]~(magenta)nterior: - ~[Here]~(magenta) ~[V]~(magenta)ehicle 3: Infernus ~[L]~(magenta)ocation: Richmond Hills Townhouse ~[U]~(magenta)sername: razerGT ~[I]~(magenta)nterior: - ~[Here]~(magenta) ~[V]~(magenta)ehicle 4: Infernus ~[L]~(magenta)ocation: Palisades Sea View ~[U]~(magenta)sername: razerGT ~[I]~(magenta)nterior: - ~[Here]~(magenta) ~[I]~(magenta)nterior: - ~[P]~(magenta)roperty:
  5. This is an automated post TXN ID: 3MH3944476467501T Donation Amount: 10.00GBP Link to your Donation Tracking/Points Topic: Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: Infernus Vehicle Colour: Specify any upgrades: Usernames to lock: razerGT Where you want it placed: 1 Bayside State Here For any help with rewards, please check this topic.
  6. ~[A]~(orange)ctivity type: Deliveries. ~[D]~(orange)ate: 08/01/2022 ~[P]~(orange)articipants: @razer ~[S]~(orange)creenshots: Here
  7. ^[~[AA:p Assisting BR HS TR 08/01/2022]~(,BLACK)] @Colo @Manda
  8. ~[A]~(orange)ctivity type: filling ALT refinery. ~[D]~(orange)ate: 08/01/2022 ~[P]~(orange)articipants: @razer ~[S]~(orange)creenshots: Here
  9. ~[A]~(orange)ctivity type: filling gas stations LV. ~[D]~(orange)ate: 08/01/2022 ~[P]~(orange)articipants: @razer ~[S]~(orange)creenshots: Here
  10. ~[A]~(orange)ctivity type: filling gas stations BC & TR. ~[D]~(orange)ate: 08/01/2022 ~[P]~(orange)articipants: @razer ~[S]~(orange)creenshots: Here
  11. ~[A]~(orange)ctivity type: filling gas stations SF. ~[D]~(orange)ate: 08/01/2022 ~[P]~(orange)articipants: @razer ~[S]~(orange)creenshots: Here
  12. ~[A]~(orange)ctivity type: filling gas stations LS & RC. ~[D]~(orange)ate: 08/01/2022 ~[P]~(orange)articipants: @razer ~[S]~(orange)creenshots: Here
  13. ~[T]~(orange)ype Of Activity: Truck Deliveries ~[D]~(orange)ate: 07/01/2022 ~[P]~(orange)articipants: @Razer ~[S]~(orange)creenshots: Here
  14. ~[T]~(orange)ype Of Activity: Deliveries ~[D]~(orange)ate: 07/01/2022 ~[P]~(orange)articipants: @Razer ~[S]~(orange)creenshots: Here
  15. ~[A]~(orange)ctivity type: filling ALT refinery. ~[D]~(orange)ate: 07/01/2022 ~[P]~(orange)articipants: @razer ~[S]~(orange)creenshots: Here
  16. ~[T]~(orange)ype Of Activity: Truck Deliveries ~[D]~(orange)ate: 07/01/2022 ~[P]~(orange)articipants: @Razer ~[S]~(orange)creenshots: Here
  17. ~[T]~(orange)ype Of Activity: Deliveries ~[D]~(orange)ate: 07/01/2022 ~[P]~(orange)articipants: @Razer ~[S]~(orange)creenshots: Here
  18. ~[A]~(orange)ctivity type: filling gas stations. ~[D]~(orange)ate: 07/01/2022 ~[P]~(orange)articipants: @razer ~[S]~(orange)creenshots: Here
  19. ^[~[AA:p Assisting STORE ROBBING SF 06/01/2022]~(,BLACK)] ^[~[AA:p Assisting BR RF SF 06/01/2022]~(,BLACK)]
  20. ~[T]~(orange)ype Of Activity: Deliveries ~[D]~(orange)ate: 06/01/2022 ~[P]~(orange)articipants: @Razer ~[S]~(orange)creenshots: Here
  21. ~[A]~(orange)ctivity type: filling ALT refinery. ~[D]~(orange)ate: 06/01/2022 ~[P]~(orange)articipants: @razer ~[S]~(orange)creenshots: Here
  22. ~[A]~(orange)ctivity type: filling gas stations SF. ~[D]~(orange)ate: 06/01/2022 ~[P]~(orange)articipants: @razer ~[S]~(orange)creenshots: Here
  23. ~[T]~(orange)ype Of Activity: Deliveries ~[D]~(orange)ate: 06/01/2022 ~[P]~(orange)articipants: @Razer ~[S]~(orange)creenshots: Here
  24. ~[A]~(orange)ctivity type: filling gas stations LV & BC & TR. ~[D]~(orange)ate: 06/01/2022 ~[P]~(orange)articipants: @razer ~[S]~(orange)creenshots: Here
  25. ~[T]~(orange)ype Of Activity: Deliveries ~[D]~(orange)ate: 06/01/2022 ~[P]~(orange)articipants: @Razer ~[S]~(orange)creenshots: Here
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