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Posts posted by Bodo420

  1. 9 years passed , damn, time goes really fast, i still remember those old days B~B got created at as they were yesterday, i have always been admiring such perfect family even when i was in HS , HBD my gang <3 :birthday: :tada:
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    bitches !

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    Black~Bullets RP with The Company
    Story Title: Weapons Deal

    @Manny said in The Company | Activity Feed:

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    Roleplay: #395
    Gangs participating: Black~Bullets
    Participants: @Bodo420
    Roleplay Story:

    • Making deals with gangs:
      I woke up in a regular morning drank some coffee and went to watch some TV. I looked at the clock and it was almost 9 am, the time were i was told to take some of our weapons and take them to Black~Bullets. So i got to work, i moved downstairs and got in a boxville and made my way to our warehouse in Las Venturas called ''Twin Factories'' I parked up near the garage opening, loaded up the guns in the trunk and started my way now to Black~Bullets base where i was told, there would be someone waiting for me. I arrived at the destination safe without any incidents. There was a Black~Bullets member waiting there and his name was Bodo, we made our deal as quickly as possible, he checked out the 4 boxes of ammunition and loaded them in his van. After the trade was done i got back into my vehicle and drove away back to our base awaiting my next duty.



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