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Posts posted by Bodo420

  1. @Ronseal said in New addition to SAES:


    Sadly, after a while, Brophy will subject you to the most horrific sexual abuse you could imagine.
    Within a year, your rectum will have ceased to function normally.
    Previous players invited to join the team by Brophy have had to emigrate to North Korea, such was their desperation to avoid his late night cuddles.

    With this in mind I welcome you to the team and hope you have a fabolous time, right up until your first Lubelacking encounter with the Black Countrys most feared ring piece intruder.

    rip @JojoDb was nice to meet you .

  2. So , Depending on information given to us , you said like Verona mall but bigger , balanced , 5v5 , new ideas . So i am here with my map ! .

    Location: LV , Blackfield , Old HS base near LV Stadium

    So the basic Tactic/Strategy of the map is :

    ~[The Map is wider at the Attackers' Side and has more objectives to make it easier to rush and have their chance to win .]~(red)
    ~[The Map is Narrower at Deffenders' side but has less objectives to prevent the ability of long camp and gameplay dominance]~(blue) .

    A place in the back for 1 sniper . (to cover his team mates in case of rush and for good trades ) at both sides .
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    A side roof for back up at both sides (Attackers/Deffenders) either to block the rush or help it (Usually one will be standing on each side roof )
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    2 Middle Tower roof to support side roofs and make more chance for more trades between each side (usually one will be covering on this roof)
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    1 Side ramp for each side (on the opposite side of the side roof)
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    1 will be on the ground ready to rush/block the rush when the chance comes using ground objectives
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    And here is the whole map ! (upper view)
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    and here is the map code @pastebin : https://pastebin.com/D6jjjenH

    Also the screenshots didn't show whole objectives as there is a problem with downloading them on high range (because it was built by ZIP)

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    Roleplay type: Extinguishing Fire at Red Country Building , Code 904B at Red Country
    Description of roleplay: It was late at night , when me and Mr.Ali were in Los Santos Fire Department taking a rest from our long shift . Meanwhile we heard an urgent call from the Radio claiming there is a fire in a big building in Red country , Me and Ali ran to our Fire trucks and went there as soon as possible . After we reached there we put roadblocks and warning signs for people's safety . Then , We set the truck engine on , connected the truck's pipe with the street hydrant to extinguish the mass fire inside the building . After that we used our Fire extinguisher to clear our entrance inside the building . Luckily there were no people inside . Later we investigated about the cause of the fire . The gas tube was leaking and a worker with a cigar turned it to flame .
    Location: Red country .
    Participants : @Bodo420 , @ALIJR007 , @Matto .
    Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/RiIwAQl

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