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Everything posted by Garcia

  1. Happy birthday sl3a
  2. Happy birthday to @iSsoUu bcuz of his fucking birth Algerian didn't make it to world cup
  3. Happy birthday -_-
  4. I'm not a douchebag person but i don't really understand why is everyone giving it that much of attention, Maybe because people are dying and we should show some humanity? Well i guess people are kinda late for that because whats happening existed and still existing already in many different places around the world well even worse to be more specific violation rights, bombing children..etc, So lets not play dumb we already know enough to not give a fuck.
  5. @youssef-1 imagine being old and playing saes :honk:
  6. Ty all, really appreciate that
  7. Happy birthday to the best egy sharmota i've ever met
  8. rip my friends
  9. @fenter said in [Suggestion] Personal logs: as well as reponses to your /ask and /report You fucking genius yes please, It is needed to be online all day long waiting for response to your /ask or /report, if you are not online then you just won't get it, but adding it to logs isn't that good option better if it just show to you on screen once you login.
  10. Happy birthdayy
  11. https://streamable.com/20y03e
  12. School is 5min away from where he lives, thats why hes the only saes tunisian player active
  13. As an african player we demand water.
  14. Solrat just proved that the more you make it quickly in regrouping the more success increase
  15. now we are stuck in crim side forever.. rip.
  16. R.I.P true chads
  17. Part I: How much have you donated for the sever? 20gbp When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? 19 Nov 2020 Why do you need this change? ok Links to your donation topics: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/2956/dontation-dan09-amount-8-00gbp https://saesrpg.uk/topic/12684/donation-garcia1999-amount-2-00-gbp https://saesrpg.uk/topic/22021/garcia-s-donation Links to your previous donation changes requests: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/22993/garcia-s-reward-change?_=1629196391929 Part II: What I Want to be Removed: RC Goblin facing the right interface of the prison Kart facing donators spawn Part III: What I Want to be Added: Username: benlaidabdou Vehicle 1: Shamal Color : #ffffff Location: SF Airport Vehicle 2: Shamal Color : #ffffff Location: LV Airport and i need a spawn in both of the shamals username is above.
  18. https://streamable.com/k9ex4a
  19. @afufu this suggestion ain't personal so you can just respond with 'nah' it may cause changes here in gameplay like i mentioned above more regrouping spots, more usage of parachuting for both sides, more FUN..etc and if you think it could harm you be my guest and lets have a discussion here not a 'nah' respond waiting for 51 people who votes yes to just vanish, AND PLEASE this is not cop/crim issues some cops voted yes and some criminals voted no, last thing to be clear here my sug is not to add a marker to every big building, i said only few for now i suggested only three in dif cities.
  20. happy birthday king
  21. happy birthday our true somali
  22. huge +, this became a serious problem for both sides. and in this topic exactly you will face some obvious names from official squad side yelling and telling oh its not fair and its hard, well lemme tell you that theres actually official squads members leaving their side for it being so boring not for it being so hard, theres nothing hard in police side especially nowadays, the only hard thing here is you being completely brainded which makes more members from your side leaving it and you'll end up having 3 ofc squads vs 75 gangs, if gangs members are more than squads members that doesn't mean it is easy for crims to play and hard for cops to play you just getting it totally wrong, your cries are the reason why your side is ded.
  23. Garcia


    cops be voting no then later on cry about the small corridors :honk:
  24. may i ask, are you guys looking into bringing back the old original jail or the old jail that you guys also fucked? because we already know that you added some changes such as stairs,new prison warden spawn..etc and none of it was suggested by either cops or crims.
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