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SAES Community Staff
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Everything posted by Crash

  1. 2 weeks since topic creation , this action will be archived but feel free to creat a new one anytime
  2. Property belongs to a group acc request denied
  3. This property belongs to a SAES Clan members request denied #locked
  4. 2 week passed since topic creation moved to archive feel free to start a new one #locked
  5. Sorted Thanks for reporting #locked
  6. 2 Weeks passed since topic creation if you still wanna sell the property feel free to start a new topic
  7. Pasted 2 weeks since creation Action Archived feel free to start a new one if you still wanna sell the property
  8. This house is owned by a SAES> member therefor cant be requested Request denied #locked
  9. When kain is having a bad night as criminal
  10. Sorted to [CDC]Chico under buyer request #locked
  11. Sorted thank you for reporting
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