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SAES Community Staff
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Everything posted by Crash

  1. https://discord.gg/N74gDGH Join here fags let the abuse begin
  2. Such insult such report @IG8820 Lord RTR I will have to but my long barrel in ur anus today
  3. @siper_ Lmao ok lets make it fair let cops make money from BR's aside from the arrest money you know make it fair Logic of 100%
  4. Let's not start with the rl escuse. Sherap I don't see the why add another way for criminals to make money and to be honest don't see the why it's not fair. Criminals are 2x times and he cops on the server. If they get killed they get 50% less time. They can make money out of BR/SR/Selling/delivery/pbr Cops earn money from arresting and stoping SR and per closing the safes in a pbr ( only 1 cop can get the reward of the safe) After all this sherap tell me why criminals need more ways to make money
  5. That moment when you are placed asside on the dehq list #feelsbadman
  6. @cappo said in All Load Trucking is now an Official Group.: Now, thats a well done move, but why would you close your recruitment? Also, does ALT have the same thing to do as a group, refilling gas stations without 1000 deliveries done? Yes and reason is that we need to update some stuff but the rec will be open soon
  7. Damn long time no see how u doing
  8. just spamm your mouse it will show up happen to me once i just clicked on the screen a few times and the panel poped up
  9. It's the house of the future today @DROT
  10. Crash


    Well Human just smashed the fly right theres nothing u can add to it
  11. @kipt Fair enough and we keep on doing that role more closed. The why we would patrol if you notice you won't see anyone patrolling with any other spawn the "General Agent"we thought if we are going to go on the role of capturing dangerous criminals then it should be field agent's. Another reason is to show more that the group ain't dead and give police a chance to join us and show they're team work and skills as we rather keep rps and training's a private scene I hope this clears on why would hls arrest like cops PS: keep in mind we only go for people that are 36+ done a br or killed someone in front of us being a special group we got rules to follow to be able to keep that police role
  12. updated were is my sex!
  13. I like how u point out HLS but then u say nothing about it HLS works on 2 different main roles Cop side ( hls members hunts down highly dangerous criminals that have regular forces can't capture) and the spying part of HLS. Hls got special vehicles armor and special script that's why it's required a spawn you can not compar a group that's basically a traffic police to a group that handles highly confidential information
  14. Crash

    1 Post

    @tut-greco said in 1 Post: Welcome to the new forum sir Fuxk u tut
  15. What niceez said this ain't full to server
  16. Use "remove all upgrades" removes all mods (not engine or handling mods)
  17. New people to abuse to get free kills me likes
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