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Everything posted by Crash

  1. prop not found on user acc so yeh #archived
  2. please use the correct format found on terry topic in this same section @Nishki
  3. Already requested here https://saesrpg.uk/topic/9279/ls-inactive-house
  4. The SAHA auction rules apply for this auction. Don't fake Bid, you will be fined 25% of the bids that you fail to provide. Failure to claim property within 48 hours will lose your rights to the property and fines and punishments will be applied You can only win one SAHA auction per calendar week Auctions Ends 5 days after this post at the same Hour Happy Bindings
  5. The SAHA auction rules apply for this auction. Don't fake Bid, you will be fined 25% of the bids that you fail to provide. Failure to claim property within 48 hours will lose your rights to the property and fines and punishments will be applied You can only win one SAHA auction per calendar week Auction ends 5 days after this post at the same hour Happy bidings
  6. @Thing said in SAES Meme Pictures V2: @RAMPAGE said in SAES Meme Pictures V2: @Brooklyn did you forgot to bring the cereal bowl?
  7. "And Im gonna be highhhhhhhhhhh "
  8. No cause of the buggy hitbox that goes past corners
  9. @FoxZilla said in Inactive SF: can you sale for public as you wish
  10. he will be unbanned? fuck you teddy anyway archived
  11. Stop posting useless stuff here keep it for bidding only and take personal shit elsewhere
  12. @Siirtuga said in [SAHA AUCTION] RC Farm: 119m 19:05 winner winner chiken dinner
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