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Everything posted by Crash

  1. @Stay said in disallow squadmember to spawn drugdealer in brs: @Ammar said in disallow squadmember to spawn drugdealer in brs: Or simply revert the change done to pizza boy spawn and we can all go on with our lives, that change was so repressive it killed a gameplay dynamic since pizza boy was the only practical counter to kill arrest and the only way to heal other people if you're wanted. ^ This Most accurate one I've seen, @Crash selling food as a gang member? Are u good amigo hhh? no sense at all. Why not ?? Ain't a gang selling alcohol? Just claim that your gang uses restaurants to laundry money Just have a bit of imagination
  2. One question is why you guys target cops about changes made by saeshq that was never suggested by the cops to start with I even agree with the pizza boys thing of you guys using them but you guys just hate on the cops like we made that change Edit : Since the reason that was given is that civilians should stay away from BRs why won't a gang pick up on that by creating a role on the gang and request food selling ability?
  3. over 7 days passed since the last bid so this auction will be gettign archived if you have not sold the prop yet feel free to start a new one
  4. @Siper_ said in Kills: @Crash HP limit should be 100 ofc still, what I mean by this topic when ever you kill someone your hp increases with 5 or10 HP. Then it's a lifesteal thing ok Because by increase I took it the way of going above the 100 cap for that BR
  5. I will offer a trade My mansion for that one Or lv bone street home + 50M
  6. So probably I got the wrong idea from this topic but are we talking about life steal or a increase on max hp @Siper_
  7. That would remove the point of killing adistar since at that point we are getting flanked once the Crim comes back and they can coordinate and have people rush out from the defenders + the ones that respawned and just wipe everyone
  8. So basically we turning into America now?
  9. @Nuno Thats about the subject you putting all in same bag when thats not the case HLS can always go whille DE all criminal ones wont be able to go so putting them in the same vote is just my point its dumb
  10. Where the control panel for cells would be ? In a corner like now? By the cells or maybe in a different position like in the middle of the panic corridor so you had to take over the zone where people exit the cells and then go up the corridor from behind to arrest the guy in that room
  11. No for DE reason? It's because most gangs created rules that theyr DE members can't attend to BRs as DE HLS Im fine with since there's only cops in it So you should separate the 2 unless gangs can be less bitchy and drop that shit rule
  12. I agree tlwith the high risk high rewards @Bunny but getting rewards after being in jail??? Then let cops makes money from just sitting in the lobby lmao Jokes aside yes for the high risk high reward no for getting rewards after getting jailed
  13. Don't call CLO and DE won't show up HLS same apart from lv bank for 2 weeks
  14. Gangs gotten lazy on preparing defences I remember before there would be always 20 people spamming CS on the corner also people as pizza boy or medic and because squads gave up on trying to stop it gangs got lazy so they try to br with 10 people and half of them are crackers or fucking around and cops realised that the laziness was a + for them
  15. over 48 hours passed since the icon got requested placed for public sale
  16. over 48 hours passed since the icon got requested placed for public sale
  17. over 48 hours passed since the icon got requested placed for public sale
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