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Everything posted by Crash

  1. yeh snome thats basicly what Bartman is aiming for something with similar stats to the enforcer and since the vehicle suggested is pretty similar to the enforcer dont see the why not
  2. Happy birthday Noh lord of the jefes
  3. could we not stray away from the point of the topic itself? and stop with all the shit being tossed around If crims want the money reward lines pushed up make a suggestion like cops are doing no need to just turn the topic in to a fight of ou got this , we have this .
  4. 7 days have passed since the last bid was given to keep the forum organized we will be moving this to the archive , if you have not sold the prop in question yet feel free to start a new auction
  5. 7 days have passed since the last bid was given to keep the forum organized we will be moving this to the archive , if you have not sold the prop in question yet feel free to start a new auction
  6. 7 days have passed since the last bid was given to keep the forum organized we will be moving this to the archive , if you have not sold the prop in question yet feel free to start a new auction
  7. over 14 days have passed if you have not sold the prop yet feel free to make a new auction anytime you want
  8. over 14 days have passed if you have not sold the prop yet feel free to make a new auction anytime you want
  9. over 14 days have passed if you have not sold the prop yet feel free to make a new auction anytime you want
  10. @Siper_ said in Bring spacebar back when getting tasered: @zaza said in Bring spacebar back when getting tasered: @Ramby said in Bring spacebar back when getting tasered: Instead of just pressing 'space bar' maybe a combination of mulitple keys to press? maybe random numbers appear on ur screen and u have to press them like cracking Would support this more @Crash @XpookS Still kinda fall into a random combination of keys as ramby said just that here it's only numbers where letters are not included but still one or the other is better then space
  11. Voted no for space bar but Change the suggestion to this and I shall change my vote @Ramby said in Bring spacebar back when getting tasered: Instead of just pressing 'space bar' maybe a combination of mulitple keys to press?
  12. Add a pool so people can vote But gonna drop mine and start the No train :D
  13. @James said in Desert Eagles - Official Statement: @Crash said in Desert Eagles - Official Statement: give me 100 pounds and welcome to DE I WILL GIVE 500 POUNDS TO BAN YOU @Brophy send that amount in Cases and Keys in CS:GO and i will leave the server to never return
  14. @James said in Desert Eagles - Official Statement: absolutely, Has common sense give me 100 pounds and welcome to DE
  15. Did Kenny finally got arrested for the kids he kept in is basement??
  16. Kinda true what many said in this topic it's something that got added like 24 H ago and it's something people ain't used to anymore give it some time and People will start to develop tactics to arrest them It's still early to make a call or make changes
  17. Or raise the wall behind the warden spawn since people tend to grow mares over the wall to the spawn from the highway and that way solves the spawn nading issue
  18. i would say yes about removing it from the yard as spawn killing tends to happen alot and its usually a big flame war because of it but No about the main street/outside the walls altho you should still include a poll
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