Ingame name: 215|moha Ingame username: helloboys Previous organizations and leaving causes: ::: U: I got kicked because they tought I was multiaccounting, But proved them that they was wrong CripZ: It was the best organization In my career, I got a new friends there, It was my best time there, After a couple of months I went to X, And when I came back I got kicked, I would like to say the reason in-game X: To be honest, It was a great gang with a great members, But I went back to cripz due to some problems ::: Define Underground Empire: UE was founded on June 23 1866 by 3 men - John Dixon, Edward McFarlane, and Judah Dagavis, They own the whole casinos In Las Venturas, They specialize in money laundering, Contract killing and especially drugs and arms Trafficking What binds you with Underground Empire: UE is one from the best gangs in saes, if not the best. They are active gang with a great and respectfull members, Ive alot of friends there, So i would like to be a part of this organisation What do you know about organized crime: Its a group of experienced criminals, they doing illegal stuffs such drugs, arms trafficking, Kiddnapping and all kinds of crime.