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Everything posted by Veneno-x

  1. ~[Participants in The RP :]~(lime,white) ~[TMH]~(lime,white): @Veneno-X ~[SAM]~(lime): @Cristian ~[SAM]~(lime): @LAPD_Spanish_VEN ~[RP Scenario :]~(lime,white) One ordinary night in SA I received a call from the San Andreas Medics emergency service, to which I went as soon as possible, after arriving at the location I was talking with the doctors to find out what type of problem was presenting his patrol, They explained to me that the vehicle was raising the temperature and the lights were failing, I proceeded to take my tools and get to work , When checking the vehicle well, I noticed that the radiator had a small hole and the battery was discharged, I quickly went to my car in search of tools to repair the radiator and change the battery, after a long half hour I managed to repair the faults in the medical patrol , The doctors were impressed and relieved to see that I was able to repair their vehicle, they thanked me greatly for my help and continued to patrol the streets. ~[ScreenShot:]~(lime,white) ::: :::
  3. This is a manual post TXN: 6EA91472VL535570N Donation Amount: 10.00GBP Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: Shamal Vehicle Colour: Black Specify any upgrades: ~[Faster]~(black) Username to lock: (3lBrayan) Where you want it placed: on the beach near the ~[CripZ]~(teal) base Please check this topic. @Brophy
  4. @Groove can you add the sparrow without a weapon then?
  5. Part I: How much you donated for the server = 10gbp When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? N / A Why do you need this change = To have him at the base of the gang Links to your donation topics: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/21272/donation-veneno-x-amount-10-00-gbp Links to your previous donation change requests: N / A Parte II: Lo que quiero que se elimine Vehculo 1: Cargobob Ubicacin: SF AP Part III: What I want to see added Vehicle 1: SeaSparrow Location: Next to the pier at the base of ~[CripZ]~(teal) = Username: 3lBrayan
  6. ~[@Hero Happy Birthday heroooooo]~(teal)
  7. @Rocoso ~[HERMANOOO]~(red) ~[MUCHAS GRACIAS]~(white) ~[PINCHE PUTO]~(lime)
  9. @fenter ~[Thank you very much friend]~ <3
  10. @flora thank you Brother Floraa <3 <3
  11. @LAPD_Spanish_VEN Tocheeeeee , Gracias mi hermano ~[jajajaja]~ <3 <3
  12. @KanoX Gracias kanoxo <3 <3
  13. Thank you very much mohaaa so it will be brother hahaha <3 .... PUTA MADRE
  14. REQUEST FORMAT Address: The omega moonson Account name: Xavka2 Last seen: Last Online Feb 11, 2020, 12:34 PM Screenshots: ::: :::
  15. This is a manual post TXN ID: : 86T87736K6072491S Donation Amount: 10.00GBP Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: Cargobob Vehicle Colour: Black Specify any upgrades: faster Username to lock: (3lBrayan, /dvm to add additional users) Where you want it placed: in my property lv 4 faggost blocks For any help with rewards, please check this topic.
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