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Everything posted by killerask

  1. @Genius exactly and since all big props (100m) will be sold on forum. i mean like the expenses at 00:00 sure u can still sell something for 100m and its shit but it will cost you 500k/1m per day of keeping it
  2. @Markus i watch it also together with price and size. But I also notice if you check the m pannel that you will drive to a property that's for sale for 60mil and it's a shit house. Think this way the m pannel will also not flood so much if we add a fee per day on sale. Cause only props that people really want to sell will be on sale
  3. IF YOU VOTE NO PLEASE EXPLAIN WHY I see alot of houses / buisesses / props put on sale for ridiculous amounts that also flood the m > houses for sale pannel. my idea is to put a small fee lets say 0.5% / 1 % per day of the selling price as a sort of selling Tax. i think this will benefit everyone cause way less houses will be for sale and boost the economy cause players wont want to kepp their props for sale for 3 months. and when you drive by a house / prop that is put on sale you will actually know like this is for sale instead of 50% of things are for sale for a rediculous price so you wont even check
  4. @Ferthis sorry mate my mistake now added!
  5. ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: :::
  6. Are you looking for a nice big propperty to train your gang / squad members. or even map this insanely large area for your gang / squad / group (houses are removable). Generation X is now selling this propperty! Starting Price $50.000.000 ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: :::
  7. Address: Computer & parts shop Account name: essek Last seen: 15th april Screenshots: https://imgur.com/wtIUXEe
  8. Address: household items & vacuum cleaner supplies Account name: joex Last seen: 15th april Screenshots: https://imgur.com/8dkqVEw
  9. No custom shader for now. could you please rotate the heli in x base with 180 degrees. and remove RC baron and add picador and turismo to cars.
  10. sorry to inform you, i checked it since we requested the same thing but in your request the account name was wrong therefore it became invalid
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