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Everything posted by killerask

  1. I would love for my members to also give events when i am not arround. but dont want everyone to have acces to the complete gang bank. would it be possible to add a new feature that you will be able to set for example limited bank acces: so all lvl 1+ members can withdraw max 1M per 24 hours
  2. @Getskillz @Brophy
  3. 100% agree but like you said than cops wait in the bank for you. but nowadays cops will just show up at the base / ap youre gathering and kamikaze the shamall XD
  4. @safp-stone Maybe we could keep teamsay and radio like it is but also have like an official teamsay and official radio. EMS and SAFD i personally dont play so i cant make the call if radio is neccecary on them. True thing about the unwanted part but than we will need some crims to spawn cop just to bribe. From the criminal side its really nice to use teamsay cause you dont have to pm everyone directly and most of the time all gangs help each other out
  5. @hatchet why should i stop lying just check my ingame props and there is your awnser. why you have to involve X? has litteraly 0 effect on this. i am not talking about gambling or winning events. and like youre saying " this all doesnt apply to me" maybe let it apply to you and you can do the same. youre saying because you dont do propperies others cant make money with it? Let me some up some shit that i personally did: since youre saying its not possible to make money quick. Inactive propperties buying them for 300k selling for 5m Building shit in nanoshop buy vehicles in the 1-3m range and selling them for sometimes over 15M Buying props and reselling. long story short. everyone can do it i dont feel why youre being so assulted.
  6. @toreno @SAFP-Stone @Niceez Maybe we should than make some new rules for criminals aswell as cops. maybe a official squad and official gang say . also rules should be adjusted same with turf rules so we can make the game also a bit more fair.. Also i think K pannel is to overpowered from what i hear i am perfectly fine with it to see ongoing BR / SR etc but i think to see everyones location while gathering for a BR is a bit to OP. @Henry any ideas how we could empower these changes?
  7. @hatchet everyone can get rich just need more than 2 braincells I have about 300 hours played and 800m + just need to think outside of the box. Still some nanoshop vehicles are cheap. People just lie about build price. And also if everyone will drive modded cars it will fuck up the game. I have cars when 1 is spawned (70+ components) every other modded car arround glitches
  8. Okee i was not aware of all this. I would suggest that we make it for both sides more fair
  9. @Henry somewhat I agree with you, But it is really nice just to use team chat to announce the gathering point. unfortunately, because every spawned criminal has access to team chat you see that gangs like SWAT SAPD and MIT will always show up at the gathering of criminals. we even had swat and SAPD join the BR while still playing with swat tag as a criminal. and by all ''mystery'' when you ask the police swat members how they find the BR they will tell you it was ''leaked" by a rival gang but don't tell you what gang leaked. With my solution when a BR is leaked to cops all gangs can be 100% sure that some other gang leaked and it just wasn't a cop spawned as a criminal since they won't be having access to a lvl 1+ gang. If i am not wrong the same chat I am implying is also being used by cops right? where they have a chat especially for official police squads
  10. Official gangs LVL 1+ Should be added in a new Gangchat (same as Teamchat) but for official gangs only. Lately, there have been so many incidents with "leaked" BR and I noticed that there are some players from SWAT (Benny) or others from SAFP who will change their name into something stupid like 123456 and just watch Teamchat. And as soon as a BR is called they "accidentally" switch back to being SWAT MIT SAFP. and go directly to the bank that has been called or the place where all gangs gather. I think this isn't fair since we as criminals are not allowed to spawn as a Cop in BR. So cops should have a similar rule when spawning as crim just to watch the Teamchat. So my suggestion in short: Gangchat where all LVL 1 + gangs will be automatically added to prevent the Sniping of so called "Leaked" Bankrobs
  11. No custom vehicles should remain something exclusive
  12. Your ingame username: killerask Your ingame alias: X|Killerask Your year of birth: 1997 Your gender: Male Nationality: Netherlands Country of residence: Rotterdam, Netherlands How long you have been playing SAES: Since 2012 Qualities you can offer: First of all I would love a position in SAHA because I love the housing system in general but u think there are still improvements to be made. I am a real team player thats always open for a casual talk and I am always busy with becoming a better version of myself. What can I do better or what could do the server more good. What my qualities really are: I would say I am a real people's person I love helping others. I am loyal and always up for a joke. Your weaknesses: my weaknesses are I would say that I can get a bit to serious when I feel like things are not going in the right way and should be improved. My other weakness is that because I am working as a captain on a ship I am not the most active person on saes. But I will still play a few hours per day regularly. Do you have Discord Installed: Yes, I also have it linked to my phone so I will always respond within a few minutes Reason for application: Like I said before my opinion on the housing system is that its good but still alot can be improved. I would love to be in a position where I can help the server and players out. And I hope I could share my ideas with the other saha team members to see possibilities to improve the saes economy. Also when I used to look alot for inactive houses I sometimes found it hard to find a saha admin on when I requested a property I hope I can be of service improving this. Server Memberships: I currently have only a position in Generation X where I have been since level one. I have never applied to any other rp groups since I feel that there isn't any rp group that I am really interested in Additional information: I hope I can be of service of the server I have been playing for 6 years now and always had a lot of fun. I speak fluent English Dutch and German i hope this could also come in handy with dealing with players from different nationalities Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: Unfortunately I had a Adminjail yesterday 05/01/2021 by element. In my opinion it was not really legitimate but it is what it is. I had it for killing him while he was chasing me outside of a bankrob. I hope this will not affect my application in any way shape or form. Previous (legitimate) bans: None.
  13. @Terry my idea was not really to increate the limit on extremely valuable props and i think 8 is perfect. But there should be areas like for example small shops in ls arround pay and spray area. That all are inactive. When i started saes i liked to look for those inactive props. But now becasuee i own like 6 valuable props they are useless to me and others cause no one will buy them. So they just take up space. My idea was to have certain area's if a prop falls in that area to not let it count on the 8 prop limit
  14. Since there is the 8 prop limit no one is intrested in the smaller inactive buisnesses because they just fill up space and are unsellable. Cant we make it so there is a 8 prop limit of props valued above x amount. And u can have a max of for example 15 smaller ones. Like shops with 1k of 4k income.
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