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Everything posted by flora

  1. CripZ UP bloodz Down
  2. Happy birthday adam gibi adamsn
  3. arklarna bi albm benden hapy birthdayy
  4. Address:Marina Boathouse Account name: luisbravo Last seen:24th december 2019 Screenshots:
  5. happy birthday mimmy
  6. Happy birthday remzi06
  7. Deleted
  8. Address: LV Pumping Station Account name: truckertoast Last seen: 24th May 2019 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/PxRkhxd
  9. Happy Birthday @Duff come to Glba
  10. HAPPY BRTHDAY @zaza Come to Ankara
  11. -=(black,red)Roleplay ( Number )=-43 -=(black,red)Roleplay Title:=-Weapons and Money -=(black,red)Story:=-It's a beautiful night and we're hanging out with my friends a customer came to us he wanted to buy weapons.Best weapons he knows we have it.He knows you got a good M4.According to him M4 very good likes to buy guns because he's rich and he likes guns.He's testing when he gets the guns.He's taking a lot of guns and we don't know what he's doing.We got the money after we ran the tests the deal continues. Nice guns always work come to an agreement on price we were easy.$ 20,000 we paid a fee like that.He said his men would pay our trust in Him is endless.We wish you success in your life with weapons -=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):=-https://imgur.com/a/dULsWkS
  12. -=(black,red)Event ( Number ) =- 18 -=(black,red)Event Type:=- Last Man Standing -=(black,red)Event Prize:=- 1.500.000$ -=(black,red)G6/LWS:=- Velona -=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):=- https://imgur.com/a/GDKdHtO
  13. -=(black,red)Roleplay ( Number )=- 25 -=(black,red)Roleplay Title:=- Sale of weapons to fugitives -=(black,red)Story:=- A phone call was made the gang who made another drug-seeking call was a member of the CDC they said they would take too many weapons and ammunition said they would buy all weapons from us we were wondering what they would do with so many guns we made a phone call and set up a meeting place we had to do this job at night because we should not be attracted we came to the meeting place, and we stowed in the boxes we brought all the weapons we had bought. The other guy came at the end and wanted to see the guns, but I told him first of all that he had to show the money he was on the side of the money and we started bringing the guns we gave a semi-automatic rifle with a light machine for the experiment made several trial shots with the gun and said that the guns liked the shooting capabilities very much the weapons they wanted were ready We told them we had to get the money before we put the weapons in the car. We got the money and started to load all the weapons on the man's car after you have done all the things and then you are sure that you have properly aligned the weapons in the vehicle we finished all the shopping and we escorted the man to the outside of the town. -=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):=- https://imgur.com/a/6r01QT4
  14. Nickname:Flora Accountname:bartuns06 Age:17 Country:Turkey Languages spoken:Turkish,English How long have you been playing on SAES :1,5 years playing saes. Use TAB and write how many hower u have : 286/04/00 Second Part: What is roleplay and will you be able to do it :Acting in real life. Yes I do What is Deathmatching and when you can do it :Killing a player without reason.When we defend ourselves What are Bank robberies and what is difference between BR and PBR:Bank robbery is an activity that gets performed by criminals.BR only gangs.PBR all the criminals can make. What is Turf war and give 3 important rules for you:CLO and DE prohibition of giving birth.First aid and police are not allowed to be born.Don't kill yourself with a bomb Do you know 1 of our members and did he suggest BBMC for you :Yes know. Okeanos
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