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Everything posted by Pump

  1. Last Seen: 15/08/2018. Username: kenttabadat. SS: https://imgur.com/a/c0pAJOr
  2. Username : matizz Last seen : 14 july 2018 https://imgur.com/a/Y65GLjK
  3. Username: matizz Last Seen: 14/08/2018 SS: https://imgur.com/a/RQI7EyK
  4. Patrol #80 Personal Patrol #3 Participants: N/A Amount of healed individuals: 60 Minutes Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/RmKDgSQ
  5. Patrol #79 Personal Patrol #2 Participants: N/A Amount of healed individuals: 40 Minutes Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/e5daYBK
  6. Patrol #78 Personal Patrol #1 Participants: N/A Amount of healed individuals: 60 Minutes Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/h3JijPi
  7. RolePlay Number: #2. Participants: @JoseFrags & @flappppyyy Description: It was an early morning of a Sunday, no work no school, Suddenly my phone rang, it was my director's number, I answered him, -Good Morning, James. -Good Morning, Sir. -I think you wonder why we called you in this early morning... -No Problem, Sir, this is my work after all. -Okay, Let me say it, you always impress me with these words, whatever, It's really required we will make a meeting to discuss all our needed stuff in San Fierro Hospital because we will request it, If you got anything to say in this meeting, you are welcomed. -Yes, Sir, I got a project that I want to do in mind, I think I'm coming if nothing happened of course. -See ya, I'm waiting, never Forgot, Take care. -Okay, Sir. After this discussion, I got on my way to the meeting location after I had breakfast & bathe. When I got to the ending of "San Fierro" Highway, I found a guy who was suffering on the ground. As fast as possible, I checked if he is breathing or not, sadly, he wasn't. That's why started doing the "First-aid", Hopefully, it helped a lot but His heartbeat was doing badly since it was fast. Then I called the director, -Sir, we are having a dangerous case, I need you to send 1 "Ambulance" to the ending of San Fierro Highway, Someone is suffering here after he got shot. -Okay, It is heading towards you, just be ready. Within 20 Minutes, I heard the "Ambulance" sound. Here they are, we teleported the guy into the Ambulance then we headed back towards the hospital. After I made sure that the guy is fine, I went to the meeting room. I found all the High ranked Medics in the hospital there. Then the director announced: -To Start with, I want you all to congratulate James, Today, he got promoted to a "Trusted" Medic since he is making a lot of efforts within saving people. This day was the day I waited for 3 years of working, I hope one day I can approach the Director role. Screenshots: ::: :::
  8. Patrol #2 Participants: [SAM*]Josefrags ( @JoseFrags ) Amount of healed individuals: 60 Minutes. (1 Hour) From 16:40 to 17:40. ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/ou07PDe
  9. RolePlay Number: #1. Participants: @JoseFrags & @SQuiZo & @Dopen. Description: It was raining profusely, James_Rivala, a well-known medic working in "San Fierro" Hospital, The director called him to his office. He found himself with the director and another guy. It was a mission as usual. -Good Day. -Hello, Sir. -I would like to say that I invited you today because as you can see, It is raining profusely, I'm in need of two experienced paramedics to check what's happening there, If you find anyone who is injured, try to get him back here as fast as you can Remember to get all your needed kind of equipment. -Okay, Sir. Then He got the keys of the "Ambulance", went to the recommended location with his partner. When they got there, the Rain finally stopped, They looked for any cars damaged or Someone injured until he has seen a car damaged near a big tree, So he called his partner to come. Whatever, they grabbed the man out of his car, James did the first aid to the man. Then he tested his breathing speed, Heartbeat speed. It was a dangerous situation. So James & his partner Transported his body to the Strapless, then they took him in the "Ambulance". Then they came back with him to Los Santos Hospital. He started doing some Checkups & examinations for the guy. He concluded that the guy had some wounds. That's why he grabbed all the equipment from "Gauze Rolls" to the "Suture Removal Kits". After he made his mission accomplished, He went to the officer of his director and had a chat with him. -Hello, Sir, I'm back from the mission, we saved just one guy because we didn't find a lot of damages. -Well Done. You can go back Home For today. -Thank you, Sir. Good Night. Screenshots: ::: :::
  10. Patrol #1 Participants: [SAM*]Josefrags (@JoseFrags) Amount of healed individuals: 60 Minutes. (1 Hour) ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/ezdDQxV
  11. ~[Section A: Information:]~(red,red) Nickname: Pump. Account name: mazen147. Age: 17. Primary Language: Arabic. Current S/G/C and rank: OrganiZation Zero (Probie). Other RP groups you're in: "InvestArms Corporation" & "Black Eagle Security" & "The Motor Heads". Describe SAM in your own words: (Not less than 30 words) Well, I think San Andreas Medics (SAM) are some motivated medics who are devoted to responding. They are well-Recruited & experienced with "RolePlay" Stuff which helped a lot in the Development of the server. Indeed, they are created to make the other emergency service groups motivated more. Why was SAM founded? First of all, SAM was created to be the first devoted group within Medic's kind of stuff, They are around San Andreas to make it more passionate when they make Role Plays. What is the SAM motto? ~[Always there when you need us most]~(lime) Who founded SAM? ~Mr.Joe Valachi~ ~[Section B: Theory:]~(red) 1 - A major earthquake has occurred in metropolitan Los Santos and there are many casualties. You're based in Blueberry and must respond to a barrage of emergency distress calls as a result of the earthquake. Describe your method of response to this situation and be sure to include how you would interact with your fellow medics and which equipment & vehicles you would use. Answer: Well, I will listen to my director's orders, if they were on a mission or whatever, I'll just need to follow what my mind says. However, I'll take my ambulance to go to the place of the earthquake, try to find any kid to cure or heal. When I find one, I wore the needed stuff like the Medical Gloves, Then I will start doing the "First-Aid", I will check if he is still breathing, Then I'll check his heart with my "Stethoscope", If his heart didn't stop yet, I will call a medic with me that we can transport the kid to our Ambulance. Then I'll tell him to drive back to Los Santos Hospital. When he will be on his way, I'll test his breathing Speed with an Item I got lastly from "Germany". When we reach the recommended Location, I will take him to our well-Experienced doctors then I will talk to them and explain for them the situation. Where I found this kid, How was his tests of breathing, How was his heartbeat. Then I will come back to the metropolitan and try to find some women since the kids' that were in this metropolitan, some of them are saved, Sadly the others were dead. If Hopefully, I will find a woman, I will do the same thing. 2- Multiple officers have been shot while responding to an armed bank robbery. You have been called to assist in the rescue operation. Describe how you would respond. Answer: I will start by getting all my kind of stuff in my "Ambulance" then I will head to the Bank Robbery, I will try to not go to the dangerous place, In the same, I'll try to get as many Officers as I can. Before I went on this mission, I asked our director if there are Women or not, hopefully, he said no, so I will try to find the most dangerous case. Then I will get him in our ambulance, try to find a way I can be faster to get to the hospital. 3- Multiple people have been stabbed and burned by several terrorists at a train station and you 're the first medic to arrive on the scene. The wounds are of varying severity. What would you do? I.e. How would you treat the wounds? Answer: I can say that it's the same I'll do as the first situation, I will try to save the kids then I'll pass to the women then I can pass to the men. If I find a kid with a dangerous case, I will start by Earloop Face Masks & the Medical Gloves. Then I will get from my bag of equipment the "Gauze Rolls" & some "Cotton Tipped Applicators" & "Suture Removal Kits" & "Medical Drapes". I will get the "Cotton Tipped Applicators", try to get it on the wounds, Then I will cut the cotton I don't need with the "Medical Drapes". Then I'll use the "Alcohol Pads" to clean it. ~[Section C]~(red) 1.How would you respond to criticism by a superior? Of Corse, I will respectfully answer him, I will take it calmly, he is superior after all. 2.Why exactly are you applying today? Well, Lastly, I've seen a good activity of SAM, maybe it impressed me with that, So I've chosen this date to apply. 3.What are your strengths and weaknesses? My Strengths: RolePlaying & Responsibility & Being Calm in any Situation. My Weaknesses: I'm not experienced enough within Medic Stuff. (In The Game). 4. Why should we accept you on our team? Well, I can Help you with RolePlays, Activities and patrolling. I'm not that kind of guys who are always being Nervous. I'm taking it seriously. In Real Life, I'm studying to be a doctor, So I think I got some experience. I hope for you "Good Luck". Peace. Pump.
  12. Participants: @MrDeathBoy Story: After the party we hosted, When I was hanging around the headquarters, I found a little a red letter, I took it from the ground, opened it, "WelCome, You joined our Dark side yesterday, You remember what you did, This letter is for your respected "James", I'm so glad that I met you that day, It's time to come back to business, I hope you remembered me, Whatever, I will not let you live more than 3 days, be ready, Don't tell me that you will get Your allies for help, Peace, you know what I mean, Jonas the RIpper." Whatever, the first thing, I've done, I sent a copy of this letter to the leader since he was in vacation in London. Then I called a cop I knew that he was always bribed bribbed from anyone even if he doesn't know him. I got his number from a well known guy that is my friend. Then I called him, I said "Hello, Sir, or I can say your name "Poor Officer", Whatever, you are still poor, Yes, okay Then I got a business for you, meet me in Bone County Restaurant we can talk easily without any problems there. After we had a talk, He said okay, I gave him the letter, he checked it then he sent it to one of his Friend from F.B.I. He got an answer, he was a well-known lawyer. So I wanted to end his Life. Screenshots: ::: :::
  13. Participants: @GanJa Sto ry:Lastly, I got informed that we are out of Modded bikes, That's why I called a guy from "Venturas Tunings" to fill me up with some Normal bikes which we can call "Not Modded". Whatever, I sent one of their guys a message. "Hello, Dear, "Dynamo", I would like to say that we are in need of some Unmodded bikes. I got what you need of money, I think I have enough, whatever, let's have a talk in this location, By the way, do not bring it today, After we have the talk, we can choose a date where you can deliver it. Then, I headed to the location where I did my first deal with Ventras Tunings back then in 06/08/1962. Whatever, all was perfect as I wanted. When I reached there, I leaned my cigar since he didn't come yet. Within 15 Minutes, I heard a sound which I can describe as "Huge". After having the recommended talk, We ended up choosing 10/008/2017 as the day when He will deliver the bikes Screenshots: ::: :::
  14. Participants: @GanJa Sto ry:Lastly, I got informed that we are out of Modded bikes, That's why I called a guy from "Venturas Tunings" to fill me up with some Normal bikes which we can call "Not Modded". Whatever, I sent one of their guys a message. "Hello, Dear, "Dynamo", I would like to say that we are in need of some Unmodded bikes. I got what you need of money, I think I have enough, whatever, let's have a talk in this location, By the way, do not bring it today, After we have the talk, we can choose a date where you can deliver it. Then, I headed to the location where I did my first deal with Ventras Tunings back then in 06/08/1962. Whatever, all was perfect as I wanted. When I reached there, I leaned my cigar since he didn't come yet. Within 15 Minutes, I heard a sound which I can describe as "Huge". After having the recommended talk, We ended up choosing 10/008/2017 as the day when He will deliver the bikes Screenshots: ::: :::
  15. Participants: @Arone Story: It was in our gang's rule after we make a successful we always make a party which in we will celebrate our hard work. So I ordered some of my gang mates to check our hidden of drugs. He came running when he said "Sir, James, we are out of drugs, I'm so sorry, Sir." "No need to worry, I will call some of my friends from Wild Angels, They will offer us a nice service and they got high quality of drugs, However, get for me my keys of the "Secure car", then I got some money from our safe after the permission from "John", our Sub Leader. Then I headed to Wild Angels Headquarters where I found "Arone" waiting for me so we made a deal which didn't cost me much money. Then I went back to our Headquarters where I found them started the party. They were happy when they saw me. Screenshots: ::: :::
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