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Everything posted by JohnPrice

  1. Jesus...Imagine the mess all around the server.
  2. This is going to benefit just the criminal side obviously. Let's assume that this is getting removed. You should count the fact of the difficulty we face when we will have to rush in order to arrest them. We will get killed in no seconds, as it currently happens. With such prison map interior, we can't bring a change like that one. Plus, most positively votes are from criminals who want an easy life or can't resist our defence. There is balance in that section, don't take it away.
  3. Expenses and income, please?
  4. We can't deny the fact that SAES has been one of the most qualitative servers among MTA. This is something extraordinary and I'm referring mostly to the SAES Team and of course the Community itself for making such history. Effort brings result. Keep up and never let this server go down. Happy Birthday SAES! #RonSealweallmissyou
  5. I'm dropping this to 4 million. Official statement.
  6. Staring Bid: 5.000.000$ Daily Expenses: 3.000$ Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/hxUyhZA
  7. Taking a taste from the SSs you all posted, I can say that I'm really excited about it. This is going to take SAES into a different RPG level among the rest servers. Good job to the developers and keep going on for the best result, lads!
  8. This is something really new in MTA. I digged into this couple of weeks ago I found no server in MTA running VC map. All we gotta focus right now is to improve its gameplay and then we get a big shot to attract more people in SAES. ^^
  9. Congratulations to the new ones!
  10. I'll give you an advice as a player who went inactive for the same reason and for many times. Just find the balance. There is no reason to give up, just control yourself.
  11. That's awful, IG. You should be moved to probation period again or even get banned from MTA!
  12. All we need right now is effective and RPGish updates. The specific suggestion is the first step for this and for that reason you've got my support as well.
  13. username: crazzymaxx last seen: 15th September 2018 screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/tZhJMg3.png
  14. @hesha said in Official Quote Wall: This is one of the best things I've seen. Haha!
  15. HBD, boy!
  16. In-game name: JohnPrice Username: ezel1996 Age: 21 Nationality: Greek Previous bans/punishments: Nothing at all. Always playing according the regulations. Why you think you would be suitable for the role: I'm frequently active on forum, discord and in-game as well to keep an eye on each request and sort it out as soon as possible. I can be totally trusted.
  17. Don't stick to the logs. This can be moderated so as the messages disappear after a while. I'm getting offended watching you stating something like trust issues while I'm suggesting something that could be useful for better cooperation, communication, since people offline will be able to get notified if their gang members need help online or anything else related with in-game activities.
  18. I was talking mainly about CC chat. It won't be shared, mate. It will be private and reserved only for squad / gang members. Not necessary, as well, to use this on global chat. Would be useful, as I pointed out, mostly for squads / gangs and groups.
  19. Aloha, SAES. I'll get straight into the matter so as to make it easier for you to read. I'm talking frequently on discord with people from my group or either my squad as most of us do anymore and I was thinking how much useful would it be if we were able to connect the server with it. I made my research through MTA forums and I found out exactly what I'm thinking. You may check the link and the video as well to get to know more. https://forum.mtasa.com/topic/91203-show-mta-discord-integration-api/ This is the best example I could find. Imagine how different would it be if we improve like that our communication. Thanks for reading! (if you did)
  20. Event Type: Road Trip Date: 16/10/2018 Briefing: We made an announcement on behalf of our group that an event is about to be hosted. Our interested participants had to spawn as truckers and get their truck at our base. Once they met us, we organized ourselves using the 1-1-1-1.. formation to spread through popular SA roads. We faced no obstacles considering the fact that our participants were very disciplined. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/pU7r70a
  21. Go for it, mates! Best of luck ^^
  22. It was an impressive idea to start an operation like ATF. You did your best, no need for apologies! Wishing you the best with your issue.
  23. Why the fack I was listening to Rick Astley?
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