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Everything posted by Afufu

  1. Type Of Activity: Fuel Trucking Date: 02/07/2021 Participants: @Afufu Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/hzO5pIA
  2. Securing VIP 02/07/2021 Members: @Afufu @Formula @JamesSpartan @Seol Screenshots: ::: :::
  3. Securing VIP 02/07/2021 Members: @Afufu @Troyano @JamesSpartan Screenshots: ::: :::
  4. Securing VIP 01/07/2021 Members: @Afufu @scooter @Halo @kajobecha2 @IceCube Screenshots: ::: :::
  5. Securing SR 01/07/2021 Members: @Afufu @Halo @kajobecha2 @IceCube Screenshots: ::: :::
  6. Patrolling around SA 01/07/2021 Members: @Afufu @Halo @IceCube Screenshots: ::: :::
  7. Securing VIP 01/07/2021 Members: @Afufu @Swal @LAPD_Spanish_VEN Screenshots: ::: :::
  8. Securing SR 01/07/2021 Members: @Afufu @LAPD_Spanish_VEN @seminarz Screenshots: ::: :::
  9. San Andreas Fire Department HQ Team 14th May 2021 Dear applicant @DeeRose , Thank you for applying for the San Andreas Fire Department. After discussing with the rest of the HQ team, we have decided to proceed with you to the next step. Keep doing daily activities, and expect to be tested in the upcoming days. We wish you the best of luck!
  10. Securing VIP 30/06/2021 Members: @Afufu @JamesSpartan @Seol Screenshots: ::: :::
  11. Stopping SR 30/06/2021 Members: @Afufu @kellerman @JamesSpartan @Seol Screenshots: ::: :::
  12. DJ: @Afufu Broadcasted on: 30/06/2021 Duration: 35 minutes Screenshots: ::: :::
  13. Stopping RC BR 29/06/2021 Members: @Afufu @kellerman @SheraP Screenshots: ::: :::
  14. Stopping SR 28/06/2021 Members: @Afufu @Lescano @General Screenshots: ::: :::
  15. Stopping SR 28/06/2021 Members: @Afufu @LAPD_Spanish_VEN @Lescano Screenshots: ::: :::
  16. Securing VIP 29/06/2021 Members: @Afufu @kellerman @SheraP Screenshots: ::: :::
  17. Type Of Activity: Fuel Trucking Date: 29/05/2021 Participants: @Afufu @gullbooy Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/dd8bmOg
  18. Securing SR 28/06/2021 Members: @Afufu @Formula @Fall-en @kellerman @Troyano Screenshots: ::: :::
  19. Participants: @Afufu District: All Districts Shift period: 10 minutes Number of victims saved/healed: 16 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/B0KmZcz
  20. DJ: @Afufu Broadcasted on: 28/06/2021 Duration: 43 minutes Screenshots: ::: :::
  21. Type Of Activity: Fuel Trucking Date: 27/05/2021 Participants: @Afufu Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/e6WTVzB
  22. Securing VIP 27/06/2021 Members: @Afufu @LAPD_Spanish_VEN @Troyano Screenshots: ::: :::
  23. Stopping SR 27/06/2021 Members: @Afufu @Fall-en @Troyano @Lescano Screenshots: ::: :::
  24. Stopping LS Bank BR 27/06/2021 Members: @Afufu @LandShark @General @Fall-en Screenshots: ::: :::
  25. Involved SAI members: @Afufu @Fall-en Other involved people: @riffraff3000 Date, time and duration of activity: 23/06/2021 from 14:25 to 15:09 Activity type: Patrolling, Speedtrap and Traffic Stop Activity Details: Started a patrol from SAI HQ with Trooper Downey. While patrolling, I decided to set up a speed trap along the notorious LV highway, and, I managed to catch someone doing 196 KMPH. After intercepting and pulling him over to the side of the road, the driver explained that he was in a rush to transport some food for his mother in the hospital. After a brief background check, we let him continue on his journey. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/pihwm0v
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