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Everything posted by Lorch

  1. Happy birthday Karim
  2. Happy birthday Teddisimo!
  3. Happy birthday bodo bro!
  4. Yeah , i had this zero gravity effect at raceflag lmao
  5. @Ikzelf AAPD will stay bro , but when it comes to a BR , you should spawn as gang member and help them or involve in your own AA BR , i saw alot of people getting adminjailed because of this , so its not allowed though according to the bankrob rules :p
  6. Nickname: my nickname is Lorch Username: my username is Zeroukihichem Age: iam 20 years old Country: I live in Algeria Languages spoken: i speak Arabic , English and French From 0 to 10, how would you rate your english proficiency? (?/10): iam good at speaking english 9/10 How long have you been playing on SAES: i have been playing on SAES for months In a quick and short summary, tell us who are Arms Assassins and their roleplay: Arms Assasins are Pro gunners and Pro criminal crims who act 100% real just like in real life and show the perfect image of a badass crim in guns and drugs dealing , in criminal activities , in their hangouts in True Street crim style though , especially when it comes to their Communication and their living Spirit that represents how the gang is well standing against any trouble and how strong are the gang members and they are so united together , always attacking together , always doing their activities together , so its a well old popular high skilled and expert criminal organization @Arms Assasins Previous clans on the server (include the reasons for leaving): i wasnt in any clan though Previous bans on the server and reasons for them: i got banned temporarily by the Staff @Terry for showing bad and trashtalking attitude in mainchat , also spamming the chat with useless talking and annoying flooding words in mainchat , though , i got banned for one day and twelve hours , but i came back fresh , with no more trashtalking and bad attitude in mainchat , always chilling and calm , no more bad attitude in mainchat Name 3 Bankrob rules: well for me , the most important rules i see them are those : 1)a gang can do a maximum of three bank robberies a day 2)the gang members who are robbing the bank can kill any criminal they dont want it in their own BR (outside/inside the bank) its not counted as Deathmatch though 3)gang members are completely not allowed to ruin a Bankrob of their rival gang , through all the different ways it can be : through spawning as state troopers , warden trainees , also as medics to help the cops , or as cops to inform the other cops in server about the bankrob of their rival gang , even if it was their own Bankrob , the gang members must all be spawned as crims (gang spawn) and being inside the bank defending or cracking , and Not as cops to help them indirectly (gang members disguised as corrupt cops to tell them infos about the other cops and ruining the cop activity and blocking the cops) Imagine you're AA and you're helping another gang during a bankrob. What are some of the things you should absolutely NOT do?: : well for me , act real ok ? dont be any childish and dont be any annoying crim inside the BR , never spam the chat with useless or hateful comments about the gang that is robbing the bank , dont ever ruin their BRs by helping the cops or by disturbing the defenses or dming the crackers or killing the defenders (DM) ..... etc , also stay in your defending place and defend the crackers from the cops coming from outside the bank , and dont go the cracking room , let them work in peace , also dont be a traitor and acting as undercover cop and informing the cops about this BR and the whole details about it which against The Crim role , this is all i can tell here as the most important thing Name 3 Turf rules: 1) its not counted as DeathMatch when you get killed while active in the Turf war , exactly ... in the turfzone and involving 2) as a cop ,you must arrest both two sides with no helping to one of those sides ,(always act your role as a cop) , also dont the help the turf war and be a corrupt cop 3) dont ever stay in unclimable and unreachable places when it comes to turf war , always stay in climable and reachable places/rooftops , reaching these climable places should be with no usage of drugs and vehicles , it must be from the ground and on foot , to make the turf war more realistic and more fair , with no cheating What is Roleplay?: Roleplay for me as i played the most as a cop , is the acting that you do in this Server , its like showing yourself ingame as you show yourself in the real life , play in the game like you live in your life , every role especially in this RP server , you must do it in a realistic way , in a perfect real way , that we can see it the same in real life , its about acting the role of the criminal/cop in real life , how they talk , how they work , how they use their guns , how they communicate with each other , how they drive their cars , how they walk , how they sell and buy , how they shoot and fight , all of this makes and builds the Roleplay thing ingame , its about doing the criminal activities in a real looking way , from SRs and BRs , to turfwars and escaping from cop chases , which makes a big part of SAES:RPG What is Deathmatching?: DM , is like you kill a person ingame with a weapon or with your hands (punching) or some knife or bat or some sword or Dildo for no reason you have , you kill a person just like that , which is a Major rulebreak in SAES , and Totally ruins the RP image ingame , which makes the SAES gameplay more annoying and less realistic and more abusing Someone DMs you. What do you do?: if he kills me by mistake , by car or weapon , i forgive him , but if he does that on purpose especially when he does it repeatedly , iam going to take pictures of him killing me , and report him ingame to make sure he wont do it again , because its more than annoying ingame , also boring and making the gameplay more worse , reporting him is better than letting him killing me and killing others and abusing more and making big rulebreaks until he gets banned forever , reporting him now and he gets adminjailed , is better than letting him abuse and abuse .... than he gets banned ... more effective to make the Dmer learns the lessons and read server rules again on F1 You're passing by one or several cops, who do not attempt to arrest you. What shall you do?: i wont run , i wont shoot any of these cops who arent shooting me though , but if he shows a single move and trying to arrest me , i will kill him immediatelly or run away from him , but as long as he doesnt show any intent to arrest me , well i will be chilling with no intents to kill or run of these cops though Do you know anyone from the gang, or have made connections with anyone inside the gang, before you applied?: i know alot of people in AA , through mainchat when i laugh and make jokes and chill with players , as bartman , canelas , Dexter , Rowdy , Pazoo , avanger ... etc , i remember i talked with them in mainchat though Application text (tell us something about yourself or anything you want to try to convince us): my name is hichem , Iam a university student I study agronomy science and i love going to the farm and also seeing natural places (Forests,grasslands,hills..etc) , iam a big fan of bodybuilding and fitness which i like to workout and take care of my body and my health , started gaming since i was too young like 3 or 4 years old , speaking about SAES:RPG , well what iam gonna say , i have been playing as cop for a long time , rarely play as crim , if i talk about myself as a cop , i got skills in arresting , in shooting and driving and communicating and talking , but as crim , i know i can show the best for the gang as a member , i would like to play as a criminal in a the @Arms Assasins gang , being part of the criminal organization and involving in every single criminal activity , also showing my skills and pure loyalty to the Arms assasins gang here , i would like to become a criminal but also in a gang , and work harder and show good positive things in the gang , i know as a cop , i get crims getting pissed off or hating me because i arrest alot and track alot and chase alot and communicate with other cops alot , but in Crim side , its more different though , i will be acting my role as a crim and be a real member , with no cheating and annoying and tricking , and help the gang in its progress , its reputation , its influence , all what is important for AA , also never forget the good communication between the AA gang members , i will work on everything to make sure iam a good criminal and a good gang member with real loyalty to the criminal organization , also putting any conflict i have or had as a cop with any gangmember from AA aside , and starting as new and as a criminal with you guys , iam completely honest and true when it comes to be serious and truthful with you and iam also mature and not any childish and know that its more serious when it comes to be a real gang member with no joking around and being more aware of the rules , so iam applying for AA and become a criminal , and join the Crimside , AA :p
  7. Hello guys , its me here Lorch , i wanna ask all SAES players here , did you guys face any of these problems here , its about the modshop or so called Nanoshop , i pmed him to tell him about the stuff i saw in my experience with modded vehicles , though he didnt respond and ignored me and refused to talk to me and kept flaming and raging at me , i guess hes so busy :DDD , well its ok nvm , i showed all what i saw to you guys , so , iam gonna tell you what i saw : i saw this bug , well in my gameplay , i saw a crim who was inside a modded monster with big wheels + on fire , but he couldnt get out of his vehicle , he was kinda stuck , until one of his friends helped him to get out , you can ask @Groove he was with me and even shot a video about it , he sent it to me and saw it clearly , i dont have its link ask him he has it Picture of this bug : https://imgur.com/alPRBvr so if you guys saw this bug ingame when u was playing , tell us in the comments ;) well this one happens usually , actually , many times to me while playing as cop , when i chase a crim in a modded vehicle (especially those with big wheels and alot of customization) i arrest him so fast like some warp (an arrest in a fast way without the anims of the cop getting the crim out of the vehicle) and directly after i arrest the crim who is inside the modded vehicle , i get network problem for no reason , seriously in the air and stuck having network problem and getting lagged , until i do F1 iam stuck , after i get warped to Hospital , all of the network problem dissapear immediatelly which is a weird bug and lag i get every single time i arrest a wanted crim , though iam talking of my experience with these modded vehicles as A COP , other jobs may be affected with bugs and lags of the modded vehicles that are different of what i saw as a cop though So guys , give us your thoughts about it , also keep it clean with no trashtalking , and show your opinion about the modshop and modded cars , anything you just faced of the bugs and lags , tell us in the comments , even if you had different lags and bugs from the ones i posted here , talk about it , this is an important Topic for the founder of this modded cars and modshop scripting nanobob , i hope he gives us any informations about it and about the modshop and modded vehicles , also tell me guys cuz i get these issues daily and inform me if you have these bugs and lags as well or iam the only one who sees these problems , or some players ingame , some specific group of players experiences these bugs and lags , i would like to see everyone shows his words here in the topic , especially nanobob , By the way THIS ISNT ANY REPORT , IAM ASKING PEOPLE ABOUT THESE BUGS AND LAGS , iam trying to help the people ingame and not being rude and toxic though , so i just showed what i had to help fixing the bugs and lags related to nanoshop , i hope people see this and especially the guy who thinks iam rude and joking on people and being toxic @Nanobob , its your own thing nanobob , iam trying to show you the problems of your own creation , its up to you , u wanna fix your thing here ? then come and see , you dont want to help here ? ..... then you're free to decide , iam trying to help you here , so i hope you return the favor and help us @Nanobob
  8. Hello guys , Lorch with you here , iam about to ask you a question about a well known job in SAES , its called Firetrucker , well , as a firetrucker can he involve in cop or crim activities like helping a cop in arresting someone with pulling water on the criminal or the opposite by helping the crim avoiding arrest by pulling water on the cop ? i just had this when i was chasing a criminal named [TT]nemesis (i know hes a SAES clan member) when he was in a firetruck of the firetrucker Daryl (i know hes admin too) though he was driving faster and escaping with his little BRO nemesis (he was wanted) so ........ i got his truck down , then when i was about to arrest nemesis , the little bro Daryl pulled water on me to help him avoid arrest , and kill me easily ..... By the way they were together in the firetruck and having some private talk and driving around slowly until i showed up and the chase began since he was driving faster and refused to kick nemesis out of his firetruck i didnt make this topic to report Daryl so he wont cry and call me a fake reporter and ...... etc , its a complicated case and people here ingame telling me every job should do his thing without involving in other jobs , so is this allowed for a firetrucker to help cops or crims in their job or no ....... NOTE : THIS ISNT ANY REPORT DARYL , SO I AINT REPORTING HERE , just wanted to share this thing here and know more about the firetrucker job though i find many people as firetruckers helping cops or crims to do their job (many people do it this way) So give us your thoughts guys ...... its an open debate everyone , show your opinions , with no moaning and trash talking please , talk clean ;) i got the pics to see more : (not to report but to show and clarify what is about) https://imgur.com/4OqwwzT : this one when Daryl (the firetrucker) pulled water on me and nemesis (the wanted crim) killed me https://imgur.com/AXlwcSJ : this picture while chasing nemesis in the firetruck of Daryl so even the firetrucker was driving his firetruck with a wanted crim , is he allowed to involve in it ? i aint reporting here i wanna know more about this job cuz alot of people abusing it as firetruckers , if someone wants to trashtalk here , dont ever speak cuz you will make it alot worse , even the ones in the pictures nemesis and Daryl , and leave these complicated situations to the Staffs and SAES HQs to give us the clear answer , so speak freely about it with no raging and flaming hard . its an OPEN DEBATE :D :D i posted the pictures not to show my intent to REPORT and show the community here about what those people did , but to make people believe that i saw this case as well here ingame and its not any lie or some fairytale i wrote from my mind
  9. @krecik Algeria
  10. Hello , i wanna ask you guys about a problem i have , my connection is very good though but everytime i log ingame i get lags and bugs and high ping , which i get network problem , though my connection is so good though i dont know how this happens , so any solutions you guys may give to me , i aint joking or lying here though so no useless moaning from any players especially admins , i hope you give me help here
  11. @Spetnazz when the vehicle is on fire , the player gets out of the car , so we shouldnt kill that player who stole the car , for me it looks like DM , i agree with you about not killing the player who stole the car
  12. Hello , iam Lorch , as a cop i stole a SWAT truck , after stealing it , they shot the truck to get me out of it and killed me , so is it fair to kill the one who stole your car or no ....... just to clarify points here .... Pictures : https://imgur.com/oNW2WKz the staff Arma said if someone steals your car , you can kill him (the player) proof : https://imgur.com/hIb4y4q well posted this to make things clear about it , so lets see what the HQ admins will say about it
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