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Everything posted by Leonard

  1. Event number: #37 Event Type: Hunter Shooter LWS: Blue Prize: 1.000.000$ Winners: KOK Screenshots: ::: :::
  2. #1312 Event Type: Last Man Stand Organiser: Blue Winners: Cheer Prize: 1.000.000
  3. #1311 Event Type: Hunter shooter Organiser: Blue Winners: Kok Prize: 1.000.000
  6. #437 Title: ~[Beat the Heat]~(red) ~[Episode 1 Chapter 1]~(gray) Participants : @Liberty @Orten1 @Lucifer @Remp @martinf @Break Story + Screenshot(s): I was doing my daily job at the dark side of the web, trading weapons,drugs,humans, making fake passport and trafficking in humans, just an everyday job at the web, till someone sent me a message and it was important one, it was a member of Jumbo Klan organisation known as lucifier asking me for serious help, he found out a big chunk of weapons is moving around San Fierro the security is pretty low since there was a heavy decline in the crime around San andreas, So we decided to meet up somewhere we define secretly to see what we can do He came after i been waiting for him with addition members to help us get things in thight and everything go according as plan,the blueprint was simple, we sneak in with one of our stolen agency helicopter, so they wont rise the alarm when they sees us, we should remain low and prevent any connection with cops,otherwise we'll expect a heavy backup and we'll stand no chance, we set everything up according to the plan we took our helicopter and we left where Lucifier told us to go We kept the helicopter at low range to prevent radars from spotting us because there was some kind of rebels across Tierra Robada's desert, so the military is using high technology tools to detect any flying hardware, we managed to stay low an we reached our destination according to the plan We got out and luckly no one came to check us so we took the oppertunity to sneak inside without drawing any attention,the securite was super low and the guards were probably resting after long travels, thanks to Our picklocking skills we managed to open the door and go in but thing escelated so quickly after we found a two officers chatting with each others,but we managed to suppress them, we cause alot of noise, the air was filled with screams and warning fire which caused a stress and terrifying vows, which made some members so busy to check up the rooms, so one officer was sleeping in his bedroom, he woke up after hearing the gunshots and screams and he called for the back up immidiatly So the Cop decided to confront us,he opened the door at fast rate with his gun out, the moment he wanted to pull the trigger a member killed him, the whole floor was full of blood and his organs were eveyrwhere, after he got eliminated his wireless was still broadcasting and we heard about some Jet Fighter and Helicopters to raid the Ship, so then we decided to give up and leave the whole mess after setting the boat on fire To be continued...
  9. Niggest t7an in the earth
  10. happy bday maricano
  11. Event number: #36 Event Type: Sky box LWS: Blue Prize: 1.000.000$ Winners: Ballard Screenshots: ::: :::
  12. HBD
  13. he lives in germany
  14. HBD N1663r
  15. @beast_ said in [SUGGESTION]BR lssue: Jail: Recently nerfed and it lasts for a decent amount of time if OB well organized the attack, it takes about 25-35 minutes average to secure it. May someone explains me what's the fun in attending an event for hours? Now you'd say if you're bored go do other activities and I'd respond with what to do if most of the server at jail? Doesn't make sense. BR: 50-ish% success rate is really good tbh. It also shows a great balance. At the end if a gang managed to do a successful BR then any other gang has the ability to. Take BB as an example, they manage to do a 8/8 BRs even while cop side was at its peak (20-25 squad members) from what I personally witnessed regardless of the HLS monthly stats report there are few other gangs managed a high success rate. However, HLS is now restricted from all banks so nothing to complain about at the mean time. SR & VIP Well it seems squads are working hard for the summer events rewards. Not going to talk about their balancing part lol; however, VIP dropping points are now nerfed for squads. starting with the JB just to tell you something that jb is the reason why the server was alive and if you think that 25-35mins is enough to secure it well we dont just use our nightsticks and run like fool around or just shoot people randomly, we put alot of effort just to reach the comm room with this new shitty jail map, if you say bring the old jail back, they will say: you are the one who voted for it, yes i did vote for it but i didnt vote for 3 thousand markers just open 1 door or vent that drain 90% of your health, and yes people have much fun attending the JB, we dont care about gaining cash to make it sounds fun talking about the BR the squad aren't experienced enough to even arrest a trucker with stars so we crime side had to pay the price because you cant play well ? the old banks used to be good for ages but nowadays cops doesn't have skills or should i say the teamwork SR & VIP lol ok you got that all alone bro crimes aren't active anymore to do that shit All in all you tried to BaLaNcE the game but you simply fucked the whole things up
  16. @sky-911 said in [SUGGESTION]BR lssue: "I suppose this is due to cops being too many and gang members not even bothering to play the game anymore." This is not a true statement at all. Even before this event. you guys clearly out numbered us on any given day. max 20 squads and 60+ gang members online not counting the regular criminals. if anything id say bring back the old jail.. the current one is too easy for cops and boring. Criminals don't even JB as often as the older jail because they will be stopped in a matter of seconds. I actually like this current BR system bro its impossible to have 1:1 ratio even if you gave cop miniguns and flying jets it is what it is
  17. @judyes said in Happy birthday sushii: Happy birthday HBD to you bro
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