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Everything posted by Leonard

  1. one of gsf's tunsis
  2. he joined copside to get rid of his stars
  3. Event number: #31 Event Type: AVD LWS: judy Prize: 6.000.000$ Winners: MUTED team Screenshots: ::: :::
  4. #1135 Event Type: AVD Organiser: Judyes Winners: MUTED Team Prize: 6.000.000$ Screenshots:
  5. stupendous thats all what i gotta say
  6. shitty ass aim at valorant
  7. hhh hrl gz ur bday
  8. loyal nigger to cripz
  9. left ThC to help new gang
  10. biggest zamel in the earth
  11. In-game name: Leonard Account name: Muslim1960 Nationality: Moroccan Current gang: The Company Current groups: CC How long have you been playing in SAES?: Queit long time How active are you in SAES?: Likely Everyday most of my freetime i play SAES Why do you wish to join the Chaos Society?: I like the activity in the group wish i find very interesting and very fun What can you offer to the group?: Well i can offer my activity and help The group with it
  12. in my opinion i think we should add like /cargrab option that allow only some amount of player to shoot from a glue it will be more logical that bunch of people firing that may cause mayhem and it will be more harmful than usefull but the idea would be like mounted guns
  13. got old ass lazy cat that loves semechki
  15. @skinner HELL NAW :rolling_on_the_floor_laughing:
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