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Posts posted by KanoX

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    Ingame Nick: UE|KaNoX
    Username: Valgitin
    Age: 14
    Gender: Male
    Current Organisation: Underground Empire
    Current Groups: N/A
    Previous Groups: Cluckin' Bell
    Which DJ program do you prefer to use? VIRTUAL DJ PRO
    Why do you want to join us? I want to be a DJ in Saes,I would like to put music on saes all day
    Why should we accept you? I am very active in the game I like to do activities
    Do you have any DJ experience? N/A
    Tell us something about yourself:
    Hello I am a boy of 14 years I live in the Dominican Republic I like San Andreas, basketball, I have 2 brothers and I find the Sv very fun!
    Did you take any punishment? (If yes why did you take it and what is your punishment) N/A
    When did you join SAES? 2019-2020
    Is there anything you want to add? N/A

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    Roleplay #1
    Participants: @LAPD_Spanish_VEN @samuel3021 @Cristian
    Description: a very calm day, I have an emergency in a store about an overdose @Cristian And there he found a police @samuel3021 and Criminal @Cristian very nervous trembling And then I told the police that if he could withdraw and he said no And the man lying on the ground he told me to go, if not, I will not stop And all the nervous I try to stop him And he told me not to let the police take me please And I kept doing my intentional work several times that the police stopped He withdrew but did not leave, so I put the patient in the ambulance and the police came up with us. There we arrived at the Hospital Mi Mayor @LAPD_Spanish_VEN. He tried it and found bags of drugs. And there we realized that the patient was a drug dealer and was trying to escape from the police.
    Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/q7fI1Dl (Please use a link)
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    @Griffin Sorry for the delay in answering

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    • Section A: Personal Information:

    Nickname: KanoX

    Account name: Valgitin

    Age: 14 years.

    Country of residence: Dominican Republic

    Main language: Spanish

    Since when do you play in SAES: RPG: 2019/2020

    Current S / G / C and range: N/A
    Other RP groups you're in
    : Cluckin 'Bell

    Previous groups you were involved in (Include reason for departure): N/A

    Mention (rightly) about any past punishment you have received: N / A

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    • Section B: General Questionnaire:

    Describe SAM in your own words: (Not less than 30 words): It is the official group of doctors, which is responsible for answering medical emergency calls in SR and other places, in addition to providing assistance as doctors in RP.

    What is SAM's motto ?: Always there when you need us most

    Who founded SAM ?: Daryl

    Who is the current leader ?: Johnny English

    How long have you been playing as a paramedic on the server? I've been 3 weeks

    Mention a rule that applies to the "Paramedic" spawn: Heal cops and thieves alike

    Mention a rule that applies to SAM Paramedic: You cannot enter a SR marker, you should only provide healing near an SR, to police and thieves alike

    Can you guarantee certified periodic activity? I really like to publish: I think, yes
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    • Section C : Aptitudes:

    1. How to respond to criticism from a superior? I would tell him to try to improve : I like to work and also criticize others, they do it to see the whole group improve, the criticism is well received and I will help to find a solution to the problems.

    2. Why exactly are you applying today? I want to enter SAM I like being a paramedic I am amused and I see that SAM is very suitable for me

    3. What are your strengths and weaknesses?
    Strengths: driving, parachute,
    Weaknesses: I despair, I don't think much,

    4. Why should we accept you into our team? I am very active I like to do very good activity

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