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Everything posted by KanoX

  1. Activity Type: Vip FBI Members Involved: @KiroSa Neutro Date: 19/1/2021 Screenshots: ::: :::
  2. Participants: only me District: LS, LV, BC , SF , TR Shift period: 21:29 - 21:53 Number of vehicles: 26 Screenshots: ::: :::
  3. Type Of Activity: Refilling Stations Date: 14/01/2021 Participants: @Guayaba Screenshots: ::: :::
  4. Roleplay:#120 Personal Roleplay: #4 Participants: @Guayaba Description: A call to a nightclub for overdose was very serious an 18-year-old boy We had to transfer him to the hospital branch He was hospitalized for 2 days when the boy woke up and did not remember what had happened to him We sat down to talk about what was happening to him. The boy left. ::: :::
  5. This is an automated post TXN ID: 14086721D45507441 Donation Amount: 10.00GBP Requested Awards: RC Goblin Vehicle Type: RC goblin Vehicle Colour: Specify any upgrades: Usernames to lock: Me Where you want it placed: - For any help with rewards, please check this topic.
  6. Participants: me District: LV/LS Date and time: 18:05 - 18:11 ( About 6 minutes) Number of vehicles: 9 Screenshots: ::: :::
  7. Type Of Activity: Refilling Stations Date: 09/01/2021 Participants: Me Screenshots: ::: :::
  8. Roleplay:#111 Personal Roleplay: #3 Participants: @Esteban Description: A patient calls me nervisos apparently he had a stomach problem I told him to come to the doctor to check it there I see that there is a problem I see that he had stomach cancer There I asked him about his disease And he told me that he did not believe there he taught him the results and I told him to take care of his belly and reconmende his pills ... ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/QLP8KGQ
  9. Roleplay:#110 Personal Roleplay: #2 Participants: @ALIJR007 and @BOB Description: I was with a medical colleague We went to eat something And we received an alert of A shark attack, we responded immediately that the boy did not know how to swim, my partner jumped to grab him while I tried to release the rope of the helicopter, the boy all nervous there we put him on the helicopter We saw that the boy had bites and tears We had to transfer him to the hospital ... ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/lsS0eQ7
  10. Type Of Activity: Delivery Date: 26/10/2020 Participants: Me Screenshots: More here
  11. ~[Type Of Activity:]~(orange,yellow,yellow,orange) Delivery. ~[Date]~(orange,yellow,yellow,orange): 16/10/2020 ~[Participants]~(orange,yellow,yellow,yellow): Only (me) ~[Screenshots]~(orange,yellow,yellow,orange): ::: :::
  12. @LAPD_Spanish_VEN said in Fire Departament Application - Spanish - 06/10/2020: Roleplay type: Rescue in a Traffic Accident Description: Earlier tonight we received a call for a traffic accident at the Gant Bridge upon reaching the scene, a patrol had collided with the barrier and an injured officer was about to fall from the bridge, except that he was unconscious Due to the accident, we successfully managed to secure him and his consciousness recovered, he is currently in the San Fierro hospital, only material loss to be regretted. Location: Gant Bidge Participants: @KanoX @samuel3021 and Me Screenshots: ::: :::
  13. Roleplay: #119 Personal Roleplay: #1 Participants: @Real and @LAPD_Spanish_VEN Description: A normal day of patrol with my friend @LAPD_Spanish_VEN We have a strange call from a not very strong place We answer the call Here we go we had a drowning problem We tried to revive it There But we couldn't We took him to the Ambulance We took him quickly to the hospital There they treated him They They came to save him there, the Lord, said goodbye amicably. ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/WD7Fh2r
  14. Patrol: #1524 Personal Patrol: #17 Participants: @Lou-2 Amount of healed or Time of patrol: 1hour ScreenShots ::: :::
  15. Happy Birthday bro! @ItzMoha
  16. ~[Patrol]~(lime,#8a2b8a,lime,lime,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime): #1516 ~[Personal Patrol]~(lime,#8a2b8a,lime,lime,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime): #16 ~[Participants]~(lime,#8a2b8a,lime,lime,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime): N/A ~[Amount of healed or Time of patrol]~(lime,#8a2b8a,lime,lime,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime): 1hour ~[ScreenShots]~(lime,#8a2b8a,lime,lime,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime): https://imgur.com/a/IKpQMIu
  17. ~[Patrol]~(lime,#8a2b8a,lime,lime,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime): #1509 ~[Personal Patrol]~(lime,#8a2b8a,lime,lime,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime): #15 ~[Participants]~(lime,#8a2b8a,lime,lime,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime): N/A ~[Amount of healed or Time of patrol]~(lime,#8a2b8a,lime,lime,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime): 1hour Me Heal all of the Sv In the streets And SRs ~[ScreenShots]~(lime,#8a2b8a,lime,lime,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime): https://imgur.com/a/7v6y6j0
  18. ~[Participants]~(maroon,white): (me) ~[District]~(maroon,white): SF/RC/BC/LV/LS ~[Shift period]~(maroon,white): Afternoon period (6/10/2020) ~[Number of vehicles]~(maroon,white): 15 ~[Screenshots]~(maroon,white): More here
  19. ~[Type Of Activity:]~(orange,yellow,yellow,orange) Refueling ~[Date]~(orange,yellow,yellow,orange): 6/10/2020 ~[Participants]~(orange,yellow,yellow,yellow): @Judyes ~[Screenshots]~(orange,yellow,yellow,orange): ::: :::
  20. ~[! Member's Online]~(#B8B894) Me & @Judyes & @Colo & @Medo12 & @Nordo & @Brondy & @django ::: :::
  21. ~[HBD!!!!]~ :crazypepe: :crazypepe: :crazypepe: :hype: :hype: :hype:
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