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Everything posted by Gui*

  1. Thanks to all
  2. Parabeeeeeeeeensss
  3. Parabeeeeeeeeensss @Versace
  4. Parabns papi
  5. Yayayayay Happy birthday the best Gang
  6. @liyones said in Auto-move afk cops to spectator (or wtf it's called) class: why not auto kick from server if they stay afk 20 mins ? Nah they can't have that or the sv drops ppl count to Bellow 70 let's just keep afk people in ...
  7. @kingsmoke said in Auto-move afk cops to spectator (or wtf it's called) class: E L E V A T E
  8. Happy birthday Yet @BurakO is a DMER and always will be one
  9. Parabns MEME KING
  10. Fucking tuga slugs happy birthday
  11. Parabns Nicovid
  12. Happy birthday fake elk lad @skinner
  13. @nicus said in New Promotions: NICE KEBAB AND HONEY @ILLUSION
  14. Thanks thanks guys appreciate
  15. Thanks mates cheers
  16. Happy birthday m7 cheers
  17. Happy birthday bro cheers
  18. Soooo here comes the kid with 999999999999 trillion Google chrome tab's open complain once again about the server lol...... If you don't want to face the odds just quit the fcking server
  19. Fu teddy the tag abuser b
  20. Happy birthday delusional
  21. https://youtu.be/mw9WcQo6aIY ** Goosebumps **
  22. Hahahahahhaja get in there Zaza
  23. Happy birthday mate cheers
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