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Everything posted by Axel

  1. Rip MS13
  2. Activity: #477 Activity Type: Delivering Goods Date: 20/02/2023 Participants: N/A Screenshot(s):
  3. Activity: #471 Activity Type: Delivering Goods Date: 19/02/2023 Participants: N/A Screenshot(s):
  4. Store Robbery
  5. House Robbery
  6. House Robbery
  7. House Robbery
  8. Activity: #469 Activity Type: Delivering Goods Date: 19/02/2023 Participants: N/A Screenshot(s):
  9. Activity: #468 Activity Type: Delivering Goods Date: 19/02/2023 Participants: N/A Screenshot(s):
  10. Activity: #463 Activity Type: Delivering Goods Date: 18/02/2023 Participants: N/A Screenshot(s):
  11. Store Robbery
  12. Activity: #462 Activity Type: Delivering Goods Date: 18/02/2023 Participants: N/A Screenshot(s):
  13. House Robbery
  14. Activity: #461 Activity Type: Delivering Goods Date: 18/02/2023 Participants: N/A Screenshot(s):
  15. Event#1561 Event Type: Chicken Shooter Helper: Judyes Prize: 1.000.000$ Winner: Alpha Screenshots:
  16. House Robbery
  17. House Robbery
  18. Store Robbery
  19. Store Robbery
  20. @Killer said in Comando Da Capital: SECTION I - PERSONAL INFORMATION ***Nickname:***Axel ***Username:***axelcancer ***Nationality:***Filipino ***Age:***11 SECTION II - ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Have you ever been banned from SAES? if so, why?: Previous memberships? (including why you left/got kicked): RF-died Mit-died Did any CDC member suggest that you should apply? if so, who?: nothing Why shall we consider accepting you?: i will active and i got skills too and i can help in gang How will you be benefiting CDC: i can be active and make activity Important! Post pictures interacting in-game with CDC members (use a spoiler): [s=]https://imgur.com/a/6WdsCC6[/s]
  21. Hang-Around Number:1 TMH Members Involved:@Vexy Duration of Hang:10 minutes Screenshots:https://i.imgur.com/kRy6b2j.png
  22. Happy Birthday!!
  23. Event Number:2 Event type:Chiken arrest Prize:1.000.000$ LWS:@Judyes Winner(s):@Yassinos ScreenShots:
  24. **Date of Activity :**1/6/2021 **Activity :**VIP Involved Members :@Burist @Clester @Axel Screenshots:
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