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Everything posted by niceez

  1. Part I: Link your Donation Tracking Topic: When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? Long ago ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: Police Crown Location: Los Santos Prison Administration - nice3549 Vehicle 2: Glendaly Location: I specialize in Camel Penises - elufner Vehicle 3: Police Dodge Location: House of Spitnizz - nice3549 Vehicle 4: FBI Rancher Location: SWAT Base ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Police Dodge (wrap thedamnboss_1) Location: 10 Lil Jatt Street Username: nice3549 Vehicle 2: Glendale Location: Los Santos Prison Administration Username: nice3549 Interior: Inform in game Vehicle 3: NRG-350 Location: Liqor Shop Username: nice3549 Vehicle 4: Police Cheetah Location: Tierra Robada Store Username: nice3549 Vehicle 5: Shamal Location: SFA Username: nice3549 Vehicle 6: Police Sultan Location: Palamino Creek Bubs Hardware Shop Username: nice3549 And 3m
  2. +30 points per favor
  3. This is an automated post for: niceez Donation: GBP 10.00 GBP Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: Vehicle Colour: Specify any upgrades: Usernames to lock: (your username first, followed by all other usernames) Where you want it placed: For any help with rewards, please check this topic:
  4. Date: 18/11/2023 Activity: Securing VIP Participants: @SILIKONDY @kellerman Screenshots:
  5. Date: 18/11/2023 Activity: Securing VIP Participants: @moley. @PsyGhost Screenshots:
  6. Date: 14/11/2023 Activity: Stopping SR Participants: @niceez @Aoxy @MouRiS Screenshots:
  7. Date: 13/11/2023 Activity: Securing VIP Participants: @Lincoln @reket @niceez Screenshots:
  8. Date: 22/10/2023 Activity: Stopping SR Participants: @niceez @Strong @mammy Screenshots:
  9. Date: 18/10/2023 Activity: Stopping JB Participants: @Ammarr @Dinaz @Glayd @niceez Screenshots:
  10. Date: 18/10/2023 Activity: Securing VIP Participants: @Aoxy @Glayd @niceez Screenshots:
  11. Date: 07/10/2023 Activity: Stopping SR Participants: @Cappo @Rieeria @niceez @Infinity_ Screenshots:
  12. Date: 07/10/2023 Activity: Stopping SR Participants: @niceez @Candy @Rieeria @Infinity_ Screenshots:
  13. Date: 26/09/2023 Activity: Stopping JB Participants: @Lincoln @Doom @moley. @nulgath @niceez Screenshots:
  14. Date: 23/09/2023 Activity: Stopping SR Participants: @Doom @Enemy44 @niceez Screenshots:
  15. Date: 21/09/2023 Event Type: Colt Chicken Shooter LWS Host: @Rieeria Prize: 5.000.000$ Winner(s): @Rio Screenshots:
  16. Date: 17/09/2023 Activity: Stopping JB Participants: @moley. @nulgath @Coma @niceez Screenshots:
  17. Date: 17/09/2023 Activity: Securing VIP Participants: @Enemy44 @General @Coma @moley. @nulgath @niceez Screenshots:
  18. Date: 17/09/2023 Activity: Stopping SR Participants: @Enemy44 @niceez @3KO Screenshots:
  19. Date: 17/09/2023 Activity: Stopping SR Participants: @Cappo @Enemy44 @niceez Screenshots:
  20. Date: 17/09/2023 Activity: Stopping JB Participants: @Zarc @nulgath @niceez @moley. @Cappo Screenshots:
  21. Date: 17/09/2023 Activity: Stopping JB Participants: @Zarc @nulgath @niceez @moley. @Cappo Screenshots:
  22. Date: 17/09/2023 Activity: Stopping SR Participants: @Zarc @nulgath @niceez Screenshots:
  23. Date: 17/09/2023 Activity: Securing VIP Participants: @Zarc @3KO @niceez Screenshots:
  24. Date: 11/09/2023 Activity: Stopping SR Participants: @Infinity_@Lincoln@Asgal@niceez Screenshots:
  25. Date: 11/09/2023 Activity: Securing VIP Participants: @Lincoln@Asgal@niceez Screenshots:
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