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Everything posted by Mafiot[Rap]

  1. This is a manual post TXN ID: N/A (By: @Getskillz ) Donation Amount: 10.00 GBP
  2. This is a manual post TXN ID: N/A (By: @Getskillz @TheDarkCaPu ) Donation Amount: 15.00 GBP
  3. address: bonestreet appartment 1 Account name: vase Last seen: 23th Feb 2021 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/RLSv2Co
  4. REQUEST FORMAT Address: Grande Maison Bleue - Vinewood Account name: Rabhirr Last seen: 17 February Screenshots: https://imgur.com/vqrHPDN
  5. REQUEST FORMAT Address: Grande Maison Bleue - Vinewood Account name: Rabhirr Last seen: 17 February Screenshots: https://imgur.com/vqrHPDN
  6. Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below In game cash : 4.000.000 Since its my 70 gbp donation i want to add interior ID 25 to my prop: https://imgur.com/4bG9Txe 1.Vehicle Type: Jester I want to add 5gbp wrap on jester: https://imgur.com/SRRScQt The place i want to be placed: https://imgur.com/EXYhqN4 Usernames to lock: (rapmachin3re) Where you want it placed: 5 Tempress Road II part 1.Vehicle Type: Hotring Racer 3 I want to add 5 gbp wrap on it: https://imgur.com/w25EVvr The place i want to be placed: https://imgur.com/O7Qlapd Usernames to lock: (rapmachin3re) Where you want it placed: 5 Tempress Road III part 1.Vehicle 5 gbp wrap on my car Glendele : https://imgur.com/6zPb4RS Location you want it placed: 5 Tempress Road 2.Vehicle 5 gbp wrap on my Shamal : https://imgur.com/CaefVyg Location you want it placed: at my sf donation icon: https://imgur.com/1EJiiIN
  7. Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Medium interior since its my 30 gbp donation to the server and i want to place it here:https://imgur.com/TyExczR Interior 11 f11: https://imgur.com/uH1zPAm
  8. Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below In game cash : 1.000.000 Donation access spawn - this is my 3x10 gbp donation Vehicle Type: Glendele Vehicle Colour: #000000 + headlights #3A6368 Specify any upgrades: V8 + awd + Nitro x10 Usernames to lock: (rapmachin3re) Where you want it placed: 5 Tempress Road https://imgur.com/XHhfZdB For any help with rewards, please check this topic.
  9. Part I: How much have you donated for the server? 30 gbp atm( 20 gbp i used the reward of them that i want to change the locations of it) and waiting for 40 gbp to confirm @Brophy as well When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? This is my first time! Why do you need to change the location: Because i sold my house which there was the donations Links to your donation topics: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/25654/donation-rapmachin3re-amount-10-00-gbp https://saesrpg.uk/topic/25625/donation-rapmachin3re-amount-10-00-gbp/3 Links to your previous donation changes requests: I dont have any previous donation changes thats my first time Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: https://imgur.com/0g3DnyE - Radioview road 4 (LS) (Stratum) i dont want to be removed just to be replaced on the new location since i added v8 awd on it. Vehicle 2: https://imgur.com/qRXMYaH - Radioview road 4 (LS) (Maverik) Location: https://imgur.com/qRjO84G f11 1.https://imgur.com/0g3DnyE - Radioview road 4 (LS) 2.https://imgur.com/qRXMYaH - Radioview road 4 (LS) i dont own this property anymore i sold it thats why i want to move the donations of it to my new house. Interior: Repeat this step if you have more than one vehicle. Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: I want to be moved my stratum to my new location house: https://imgur.com/nlzrlka addres: " 5 Temptress Road " Here is the SS from f11 : https://imgur.com/5G8jJ85 Vehicle 2: I want to exchange the heli with Shamal on SF AP: https://imgur.com/9wCKEEk Location: https://imgur.com/p4kr5z4 Alternatively, if you're placing the vehicle at a personal property, list the property name and owner's username as well as providing us with images. Username: rapmachin3re
  10. This is a manual post TXN ID: N/A (By: @Getskillz ) Donation Amount: 40.00 GBP
  11. REQUEST FORMAT Address: Secret Supplies Account name: Neggro Last seen: 14 February Screenshots: https://imgur.com/BwW00jP
  12. TXN ID: N/A (By: @Getskillz ) Donation Amount: 10.00 GBP
  13. Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Money : 1.000.000 Requesting a small interior since this is my 2nd 10 gbp donation on this address: https://imgur.com/4y65qsm
  14. This is a manual post TXN ID: N/A (By: @Getskillz ) Donation Amount: 10.00 GBP Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: Stratum Vehicle Colour: #000000 + headlights #3A6368 Specify any upgrades: V8 + awd + Nitro x10 Usernames to lock: (rapmachin3re) Where you want it placed: 4 Radioview Road https://imgur.com/1aIrRea For any help with rewards, please check this topic.
  15. Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: Maverik Vehicle Colour: #000000 Specify any upgrades: Usernames to lock: (rapmachin3re)(bspetarbs) Where you want it placed: 4 Radioview Road https://imgur.com/DRoYBpX
  16. Donation Amount: 10.00 GBP donated by @Getskillz
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