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Posts posted by Ragnax

  1. Section 1 - Non-RP Information
    Nickname: Ragnax
    Username: Tyga20
    Old nickname/Other used names ingame: N/A
    Age: 19
    Gender: Male.
    Current G/S: Underground Empire.
    Previous G/S (List the reasons, why you left or got kicked out): GJMC, got a problem with a HQ member.
    How long have you been a member of your current G/S and what is your current rank? a week.
    Current groups: GXT, Radio SA, Cluckin' Bell
    Prevous groups (List the reasons, why you left or got kicked out): N/A.
    Previous SAES ban(s)/kick(s)/punishment(s) and why did you received them: N/A.
    Tell us something about yourself: Well Im Hamza , 19 years old and living in Germany. I'm studying architecture. i am a person who want to have always experience and learn fast. In my free time i play SAES or i go outside with friends.

    Section 2 - Questions
    Do you understand that you will be given a couple of firefighting lessons/instructions before joining Fire Department? Sure.
    What is your goal within the Fire Department? My goal is to make a interesting rp's, meet new friends, have fun with them and work hard than i can improve my skills.
    Are you ready to be active daily and post activities in media archive regularly? of course

    Section 3 - Detailed Profile
    What are your strengths? Driving, Shooting and Teamwork.
    What are your weaknesses? driving Shamal.
    Why do you want to join the SAFD? i choosed to join SAFD because i went to live the moment as a fire fighter and learn how to act in this job.
    What specialization would you like to learn within the Fire Department? I'd like to help other players by save their cars from fire, improve my rp skills and learn new things from u guys.

    Applicant's signature: Ragnax
    Date: 21.05.2020

  2. Ingame name: 215|Ragnax

    Ingame username: Tyga20

    Previous organizations and leaving causes: GJMC, I had some problems with a HQ member.

    Define Underground Empire: Underground Empire, founded on June 23, 1866. It was created by three confederate soldiers: John Dixon, Edward McFarlane and Judah Davis. They satrted their illegal buisness to get rich. First they began with corrupt politicians then drug trafficking, weapon trafficking and money laundering.

    What binds you with Underground Empire: Well the first part of why i want to be one of you is that I like the way you play, I always wanted to be influential and a real killer and learn more things from you guys, I would love to join Underground Empire because you really have the power on the server, you have loyal and experienced members.

    What do you know about organized crime: Organized crime is when you perform an activity with members of the organization. An organization can only be good if they act together and are cleverly organized, the leaders have a huge influence regarding this part. Usually they operate in groups in order to achieve a specific goal, either money or territories. Working together makes the "job" a lot easier and more efficient because you understand your partners and you're able to easily communicate with them.

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