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Posts posted by MaZen20

  1. alt text

    Nickname: Mazen
    Username: loka2067
    Age: 18
    Nationality: Egyptian
    Rate Your English Level (1-10): 7/10
    Did anyone recommend you to apply for us? no

    • 2- Saes Information Part :

    Since when do you play SAES:RPG: since2016
    Current Gang/Squad generation X
    Current Groups: WFS/GXT
    Tell us about your SAES carrier: My names mazen mansour i started playing on the server since 2016 my first gang was the corleone it got closed and joined generation X my age is 18 i got graduated from the highschool last year and now im working as a team leader in egyptian company .. looking forward to be the best in my career . and thats all.

    • 3 -Group Question:

    What do you know about Fight Club: Fight Club are a club have a good experience on the boxing fight Club is a group of ilegal fight and Bettings
    Why do you want to join Fight Club I want to join this organization cause I really like Boxing and Fight Club is only group in saes about boxing because this i want join it
    Why should we accept you: because i have a good skills in boxing and i have a big experienceabout boxing

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