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Everything posted by MaZen20

  1. GXT Members: Mazen Time Taken: 10Mins Deliveries: Trucking: Around LV/SF Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/XSWH1WH
  2. GXT Members: Mazen Time Taken: 15Mins Deliveries: Trucking: Around LV/SF Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/ZRkmuov
  3. GXT Members: Mazen Time Taken: 20 Mins Deliveries: Trucking: Around LV/SF Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/ubYYxxK
  4. Part I: How much have you donated for the server? 40GBP When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? 25th July 2020 Why do you need this change? New base Links to your donation topics: 1st.https://saesrpg.uk/topic/20663/donation-mazen-amount-10-00gbp?=1602797239888 2nd. https://saesrpg.uk/topic/20336/donation-mazen-10-00-gbp?=1602797239892 3rd.https://saesrpg.uk/topic/20195/donation-mazen20-amount-10-00-gbp?_=1602797239895 Links to your previous donation changes requests: N/A ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be moved Vehicle 1: Picador Location: From old x base to the new x base Vehicle 2: Super GT Location: From old x base to the new x base Vehicle 3: DODO Location: From old x base to the new x base Username: loka2067 ========================================================================
  5. GXT Member(s): Myself Time Taken: 15Mins Activity Type: Trucking: Around LV/SF Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Hf9fvW0
  6. Happy Birthday Ya Bro <3 @Zeno_
  7. koll sna we enta tayp ystaa we 3o2ball snen kteer <3
  8. Address:Linkans Lawyers Corp Account name: 40salih Last seen: 3/8/2020 Screenshots:
  9. GXT Member(s): Myself Activity Type: Refueling All LV Time Taken: 15 minutes. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/lHnjgX1
  10. GXT Members: Mazen Time Taken: 15Mins Deliveries: Trucking: Around LV/SF Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/4mgwAA0
  11. GXT Members: Mazen GXT Applicants: @Maksim Time Taken: 20Mins Deliveries: Trucking Around SF/LV Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/G5OVcPl
  12. GXT Members: Mazen GXT Applicants: @Dinaz Time Taken: 17Mins Deliveries: Refueling all Las Venturas gas stations. ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/QxfkUrS
  13. GXT Members: Myself Time Taken: 20Mins Deliveries: Trucking: Around SF/LV Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/fVQxxhY
  14. GXT Members: Mazen GXT Applicant: @Maksim Time Taken: 15Mins Deliveries: Trucking: Around SA Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/0bmiCYo
  15. This is a manual post TXN ID: 9CH957874K9645255 Donation Amount: 10.00 GBP Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: Super GT Vehicle Colour:i'll show in game Specify any upgrades: N/A Username to lock: (loka2067) Where you want it placed: X Base For any help with rewards, please check this topic. @Brophy
  16. GXT Members: Myself Time Taken: 20Mins Deliveries: Trucking: Around SF/LV Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/2WekmoH
  17. GXT Members: Myself Time Taken: 40Mins Deliveries: Trucking: Around SF/LV Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/BYVbJ1m
  18. This is a manual post TXN ID: 6Y543428KP313903U Donation Amount: 10.00 GBP Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type:startum Vehicle Colour:i'll show in game Specify any upgrades: N/A Username to lock: (loka2067) Where you want it placed: X Base For any help with rewards, please check this topic. @Brophy
  19. GXT Members: Mazen GXT Applicant: @Nordo Time Taken: 30Mins Deliveries: Trucking: Around SF/LV Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/keGuWWr
  20. GXT Members: Myself Time taken: 25Mins Deliveries: Trucking: around SF/LV Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/sao9f4N
  21. GXT Members: Mazen GXT Applicant: @Ikillyou_today Time Taken: 25Mins Deliveries: Trucking: Around SA Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/GfTpITP
  22. GXT Members: Mazen GXT Applicant: @IsLeMou223 Time Taken: 40Mins Deliveries: Trucking: Around SF/WH/LV Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/4ioaItG
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