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Everything posted by Zodiac

  1. JailBreak #252 OB Members: @Hotfire , @JaKeL OB Helpers: @UrBan, @Andrew03 , @Pump , @jougou , @Pazoo ,@Disaster , Kurupted,Avanger, @SWT , @Faysal ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/u6MEyBd
  2. #706 Event Name: TDM LWS/G6: @Blu Price: 2.000.000 Winner(s): @zKill98 @kokwedy Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/sHoM4M1
  3. Dear @EL-CHAPO , your application is poor, you do not know English and what functions we do, it shows a little more effort to join our aero lines, you can be a great pilot, for now your application is denied, you can re-apply in 1 month Zodiac HQ Team
  4. ~[Night Activity]~(blue,navy)
  5. Event Number: #10 Event type: land on the toiled LWS/G6: @Stay Price 1.000.000$ Winner(S): @thestyle Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/DX2ySTb
  6. Event Number: #9 Event Type: RC Baron LMS LWS/G6: @Stay Price: 2.000.000$ Winner(S): @JohnnyEnglish Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/RjGiz4B
  7. @-xJuDe Your application is poor shows a little more effort to enter us for now your application is denied, you can re-apply in 1 week Zodiac Team HQ
  8. Event Number: #1 Name: Shamal race LWS/G6: @Stay Price: 1.000.000 Winner(S): @GoldMine Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Fk9ErNw
  9. Jailbreak -55- Helpers: @Douglass @Rubik ::: :::
  10. Jailbreak -51- Helpers: @Dexter Screens: https://imgur.com/a/u0GrXvz
  11. +1 i want GR time again ;3
  12. Jailbreak -43- Helpers @MGKelly SCreens: https://imgur.com/a/Z3D6xwS
  13. Jailbreak -39- Helpers: @ColdPlay Screens: https://imgur.com/a/FlKgnnt
  14. TMH Technicians Working [Date And Time of working]- 14 of january - 16:06 TMH Technicians involved: TMH|Zodiac Location: LV Cross Estimated Duration of working: 15 minutes Estimated Number of vehicles Repaired: 7 cars Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/bJj2cPr
  15. Jailbreak -29- Helpers - @Spinkes @Douglass @Crazzy @Zodiac Screens: https://imgur.com/a/uQx231G
  16. Roleplay: #334 @Horizonts said in Horizont's Application for ALT: Type Of Activity: The Motor Heads Request Role Play ALT Members: None Participants: @Horizonts @Zodiac Information/Story: Today a task was giving to me by a THM high range, they wanted me to transport some parts of motor bikes from Bone Country to Red country. A contract was signed with them the last year to make four deliveries of the same kind (parts of bikes) on six months, so I had to transport them. When I was ready to start with my trip, they made me some requests before starting, firstly, he asked me about the speed of my truck and I answered, it goes to 180KM/H, after hearing it, they gave me an advice about letting one of his mechanics check the truck because this model it should go faster than 180. Since the job was important, I couldnt reject his request by saying sure, where should we meet? , he asked me my number and told me "one of our mechanics will talk with you on a while, stay tuned", the same day I got a text from a guy calling himself, Mr. Zodiac he wanted to meet with me in front of a KFC, to make a small check of my truck and give me his opinion we agreed to meet at the 15:48. ::: ::: At the 15:40 Mr. Zodiac appeared on the place, he was worried about his time because he had tons of work as he was telling me. After giving a small check to my truck he told me than had to change a small part of the truck and asked me to follow him to the TMH workshop. ::: ::: After heading to their base Zodiac told more specifically what he was about to change, it was the radiator, for some reason it was causing my truck to go slower than it should be he asked me for 3 hours to change it. The normal precedent is to inspection the car for one day, but his boss cant wait that longer, for that reason they made an exception on this. ::: ::: Tree hours later he changed the radiator with the new one, he told me something about a little change than were made to make my truck faster, I asked for that and he laugh answering is surprise. ::: ::: After the tuning I was going to start with my trip, then he asked me about my trailer because I didnt had it there it was because i left it on a small bar of the city, I wasnt going to carry that big stuff around the city, on that he said something about owning a cargo car and he wanted to help me taking the parts of the bikes to my trailer it was some big and heavy boxes. ::: ::: The small delivery was made by taking those big boxes into my trailer, then I started my trip with Zodiac giving me a small suggestion and it was calling him when i arrived in Red Country. ::: ::: ::: ::: I spend 15 hours on the trip luckily due the new year celebration I barely saw a car on the road, and thanks to that I made a time record heading to the place, at the end some TMH guys were waiting me on a small cargo place, I let them his parts and ended the day. ::: ::: Screenshots: Full Role Play Link
  17. gz Ue
  18. -38- Event Type: Box All vs All Price: 1.000.000 Winner(s): @Venom Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/lisZ9n2
  19. ~[(Evening activity)]~(blue,navy) ~[Date of activity: 30.12.2018]~(blue,black)
  20. #613 Event Name: Air Boxing LWS/G6/CEO: @Kowalski Prize: 1.000.000 Winner(s): @Spinkes Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Vw0qBra
  21. ~[Date: 27.12.2018]~(green) ~[Number of Members Online: 7]~(green) ~[Screen: https://imgur.com/a/l7cW8X3]~(green)
  22. TMH Technicians Working on 27.12.2018 TMH Technicians Involved: @Zodiac Location: LVx Estimated Duration of Working: 10 minutes Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: 4 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/EureTPx
  23. Event number: 26 Event Type: FAllout with faggiot Prize(s): $1.000.000 LWS / G6 Helper(s): @Ramos Winner(s): @Yamikaze screens: https://imgur.com/a/lR9FxkP
  24. ~[(Nigh Activity)]~(blue,navy) ~[Date Of activity: 23.12.2018]~(blue,navy)
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