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Everything posted by Fasito

  1. Address: I Fucked 19 Camels And I Liked It Account name: mohammeddsayedd3 Last seen: 14th July 2021 Screenshots:
  2. -TMH Racers Take On: Raceflag- Type: Race Flag Participants: Niklaus, Brother, SpeedyJ, Cha, Taj and me. Location: SF. Winner & Prize: Taj. Screenshots: ::: :::
  3. -TMH Racers Take On: Raceflag- Type: Race Flag Participants: [FBI]Steven, [TT]Beauty, NavM|Ammar and me. Location: LS. Winner & Prize: [FBI]Steven. Screenshots: ::: :::
  4. -TMH Racers Take On: Illegal race - Type: Illegal race. Participants: @Nicoo @[GSF]ElMesi and me. Location: SF to LV. Winner & Prize: @[GSF]ElMesi 50k per participants. Screenshots: ::: :::
  5. -TMH Racers Take On: Raceflag- Type: Race Flag Participants: @Nicoo @[GSF]ElMesi, @Gonza and me. Location: SF Winner & Prize: Me. Screenshots: ::: :::
  6. -TMH Racers Take On: Raceflag- Type: Race Flag Participants: @Nicoo @[GSF]ElMesi, @Gonza and me. Location: SF Winner & Prize: @Gonza Screenshots: ::: :::
  7. -TMH Racers Take On: Raceflag- Type: Race Flag Participants: @Nicoo @[GSF]ElMesi, @Gonza and me. Location: SF Winner & Prize: @Gonza Screenshots: ::: :::
  8. -TMH Racers Take On: Raceflag- Type: Race Flag Participants: O|Brother, [AA]Gonza, Dyree and me. Location: San Fierro Winner & Prize: Brother. Screenshots: ::: :::
  9. @Saha Please delete this topic I didnt say, sorry.
  10. Address: 711 24 Shop Account name: royalty Last seen: 10th January 2021 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/8LLyfnK
  11. Starting bid: 5.000.000$ The property is located in front of Senate turf war zone. The property is close to a disk, ammunation and SR. Minimun increase: 1m ScreeShot(s):
  12. Starting bid: 5.000.000$ The property is located in LS near the beach The property is close to an ATM, Vip and disk. Has 4k income Minimun increase: 100k ScreeShot(s): https://imgur.com/mWOQH3x.png
  13. On Friday afternoon the members of the Chaos Society and their helpers decided to capture an important person to get extra money, luckily they succeeded.
  14. Goodbye bro I miss u <3
  15. Fasito


    In-game name: Fasito. Account name: Chinguitocorto. Nationality: Argentinian. Current gang: Navy Malistrip. Current groups: N/A. How long have you been playing in SAES?: 9 months. How active are you in SAES?: I was inactive for a few days due to studies but now I have returned to my daily activity, I play 3-5 hours a day. Why do you wish to join the Chaos Society?: I would like to join because it is a group that has potential and a good future ahead of it, I really liked their role and because we are all criminals mainly. For my part I would like to offer my daily activity, post activity and help them financially if they need it, I also like to help people.
  16. Address: Appartment Block 133 Account name: medtheman Last seen: 6th September 2020 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/OQmztpX
  17. Delete it please, Thanks you and regards!
  18. Address: 1 Main Street Apartments Account name: razore227435 Last seen: 10th September 2020 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/PLvQEyb
  19. Address: Targaryen House Account name: checopete764 Last seen: 12th September 2020 Screenshots:
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