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Everything posted by Shagwrath
Recruitment: @MarksMan Date: 08.03.2020 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/KADOpcF All hail Marksman, an old veteran returns to his brethren. As we grow, the legends among us return from the aether to rise themselves once more. The dark lord is pleased.
Recruitment: @Piercee Date: 08.03.2020 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/JVMSetx Hail Pierce, another one joins the dark brotherhood of helvete. He has drunk deep the dark challice of the dark lord, and has been deemed worthy.
Safe Cracker Event Date: 08.03.2020 Rewards: $250,000, $250,000, $250,000, $250,000, $1,000,000 , $750,000 Winners: @redlive122 x2, @Marso , @Zwolle , @Bartman Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/7CgQmwp
Shagwrath Blacked-Out Event Date: 08.03.2020 Reward: $2,000,000 Winner: @ILLUSION Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/PHFaXtb
Is the Bulgarian Indiana Jones
We've made a system for tracking our weekly tasks better, this system awards players with points for doing certain roleplays or missions for helvete. It calculates the information for us, and shows the leaders and total counts for each way you may earn points here's a link to view it if you';re interested, it should change from day to day if you're ever curious who is in the lead. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Gk9ZMALbuoS3vq5rl94SlFPE0kwdYqanxZstL6B0BJ8/edit?usp=sharing
Helvete's Weekly RP Tasks 03/01/2020-03/08/2020 For memebers of Helvete only. Mission: Hard times have fallen on Helvete, the band is broke, not even enough for ramen. Luckily for us I have talked a local distributor to let us deliver goods for him. It's good honest work, not the tpe we're used to so keep your fingers clean, we can't fuck this up because we need to start gathering funds for an assault on San Andreas. Time to buck up and get your nose to the grindstone. The cult calls for action, like all good religions, we need funds to thrive. Make deliveries and post pictures of each one in the #task-images channel as proof. You're loyalty, as always will be rewarded greatly while servicing the dark lord. Class: Delivery Man Crew Task: 250 deliveries Progress: Rewards: 1 SP per delivery Mission: Working hard, donate some of that money our way, we want to start doing event again but we're broke. Help Helvete out and you will recieve your recognition. This is easy points, proove your loyalty to the dark lord and allegiance to Helvete. Class: Any Crew Task: Donate 5,000,000 Progress: Rewards: 1 SP per $100,000 donated
Started working on a platformer game last year with a work friend, I've been designing the player and I did all the animations. Curious what people think, really just want to show them off to be honest because i've been working on them for months. No worries, I can take the criticism so speak you mind. Some notes: The guy is grey because we use that data to switch the color palette of the game as you move through levels. I have to keep the art simple because he is smaller on the screen and fine details get lost then. He is a farting arcade robot that uses a drum machine to speak. The game he is in is going to be similar to cuphead in our development process, but at this time gameplay will probably be close to sonic or mario. oldschool. Also I'll post the prototype soon(tm) https://imgur.com/gallery/VKURaDd
We updated our information on the front page to better reflect the small changes we have made internally, and to better reflect our purpose.
Hail Dokken! Also known as Izze has joined the darkest brotherhood of Helvete. He has drunk forth the chalice of blood and the dark lord has deemed him worthy. Our numbers have grown stronger by 1 today. ::: :::
Welcome skomorje212 also known as Fenriz, our new roadie in service to the dark lord! ::: ::: H-L|Shagwrath: as you look over the vast horizon you have a new future thusly set before you H-L|Shagwrath: you have been accepted into the dark brotherhood of helvete H-L|Shagwrath: do you agree to submit to the will of the dark lord and help always your fellow band members and friends? [P~B]skomorje212: I do. H-L|Shagwrath: Then i dub you Fenriz, new brother of helvete and roadie. arise Fenriz and drink the blood of our chalice *H-L|Shagwrath hands Fenriz a goblet of blood *[P~B]skomorje212 takes a goblet of blood, moves it towards his mouth and drinks it. *H-L|Shagwrath: you are now one of us. congrats *H-Sh|Stan killed [P~B]skomorje212. (Tec-9) [P~B]skomorje212: Thanks a lot. I am proud that I became a part of the brotherhood. H-Sh|Stan: Welcome H-L|Shagwrath: start your new life as a helvete, you are one of us now always.
sex fury ::: The singer for the band Dimmu Borgir. Me and ICS~Vortex wanted a theme for our names :::
We want to welcome back (in addition to stan) to some of our old memebers. Sinc3, Amir, Yuu We have plans to induct 5 more members this week as well. Helvete grows like a fire, soon or spread will be beyond control.
@Rzz0 said in Helvete: @Shagwrath Compared to their early stuff its pretty good, i just never understood the hype behind their earlier albums especially DMDS. Deathcrush is awesome tho. couldn't agree more honestly
@Rzz0 Have you heard their newest album?
@Mr-Heis said in Helvete: All of you know what usually happens with those second generations, you can't back old good times and memories. Everything not the same like before. Trying to revive it only from old memories - will mean quick death. Good luck, but i don't trust in it. good thing it's not the second generation, in either sense, same members, and this is not even the second time making Helvete on this server. Last time we did we were the first gang to reach level 5. Don't underestimate Helvete, or it might be the last thing you ever do
Roleplay 2/22/2020 ::: The sins of San Andreas have gone unrecognized for far enough. Let us priase the depravity and laugh in the face of those who celebrate our life in opposition! Destroy the opulent palaces of those who would spread the lies of the sheep to the ignorant masses. Let us free all those enslaved and allow the flock to roam free once more. :::
A smoldering ember erupts back into a blazing inferno, reborn from these ashes like some bastard phoenix of Lucifers creation. Suffer the legend reborn Helvete https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ro5vErlNXjo We are a band of musicians who has their origins in Norway in the early 1990s. We have committed murders, arsonry and theft all in the name of black metal and the dark lord. Yet, were not just common criminals, our extreme views require extreme means, and we do whatever we have to to get our message across and protect our own, including breaking the law. Our music and actions are inspired by our detest for the establishment, especially christianity and anything we deem oppressive. Do not mistake our vulgar actions and taste for anger, we are fighting for the common man, he deserves his justice and his freedom. Host events to redistribute the wealth we have acquired from means and more legitimate endeavors such as production and distribution of our music. This is a platform for us to perform our music and disseminate our views. Surrounding ourselves in dark imagery we live and breath metal, it shows in our vehicles, words, and actions. We are overhauling our list of events and creating more, but we have kept the old classics: Mosh Pit The ultimate and most metal test of brawn and allegiance to brutality. Countless hundreds have fallen to the terror that is the Mosh Pit. The dark master calls for blood tribute, and all but the strongest shall fall. Depending on the size of the pit the last survivor will win, for larger groups there may be a runner up or third survivor, with prizes falling off for lower ranks. Contestants get into a ring or an enclosed area, at the start of the countdown they all start running and punching. If you hide in a corner, avoid fighting or dont punch you will be disqualified after a warning. The last player standing wins. Safe Cracker Dark Arts and the secrets of Black Metal hide within the dark shelves of our master safe. Kept hidden away by the master of metal, the power within the steel hold of the safes keep is the power that could destroy us all. The safe threatens to break free, so we are casting a spell on the safe to keep it from opening up and unleashing the horror within this cursed vessel. Recruiting people from san andreas to help us cast the spell, one by one they will guess the first number of the safe, and Helvete will cast the spell to see if it locks, if the number guessed is correct, they are awarded and we move on to the next number, at least 4 numbers are required to close the safe once more. The player who guesses the last number will get the main prize as well. The first number a player says is their guess, if a player repeats a number already said, it still counts. The numbers are generated at random, only one member knows so you cant cheat. We are creative people, we will make media for our RPs like posters, CD art, and just like before we will work with our group members and other players on the server to make original songs. Meaning actually composing music from scratch. To date we have about 5 songs we composed and released as singles while we were active, so expect our library to grow. We also have used Helvete to promote music other players have made and want to show off. Of course follow the server rules and the directions and requests of the SAES members and your leaders and subleaders in Helvete. Wear your tags properly, with the correct formatting when active as Helvete and either your normal name or your roleplay name. So if your name is Pickles, your rp name is Dethklok and you are a Roadie: H-Rd|Dethklok H-Rd|Pickles Dethklok These are acceptable names. You get 1 warning, then youre out. Were not strict but theres no room in Helvete for noobery and ass-face-ed-ness. HQ Anyone that is xL(sub leader), vL(vice leader) and L (leader) is considered HQ. These are you leaders, their word is final. L - Leader - Leads vL - Vice Leader - Directs Subleaders xL - Subleader - Supervises Crew Crew Roadies, Technicians, and Engineers are all the same rank and your superiors are HQ and Standhands. Sh - Stagehand Class - The highest ranking members not classified as HQ. When no other HQ members are online Stagehands are who you report/listen to. Rd - Roadie Class - The shooters in Helvete. Your job is to be a weapons specialist and the best gunners in Helvete. En - Engineer Class - The support in Helvete. Your job is to support Helvete members in any way possible. If any member in Helvete is in trouble you go to help in any way possible. If a Roadie dies you will be assisting the gunners, if a Technician dies you will be assisting in driving. Tk - Technician Class - The drivers in Helvete. Your job is to be very good with vehicles, getaway driving, and general transport. These roles are to ensure that people are doing what they are best at in all scenarios. A Technician should always be teamed up with a Roadie so that when the time comes to kill cops/get away from a SR the person shooting is good at it, and the person driving will be able to escape the cops. If people do their role Helvete should always have the upper hand in any fight. When you join Helvete you will let the recruiting HQ member which role you would like to be. Please be honest about your skills. If we feel you would be better fit to do another role we will change your role. Helvete has been,and will always be, selective about its applicants, in favor of making things easier for the leaders and the applicants we are completely changing the application process. If you are interested in joining the Black Metal Inner Circle, you need only post something like: "I want to join Helvete" No long applications or lots of questions/background checks. Then you wait for us to find you. If we want you we WILL find and induct you. And to those who are not selected, your interest is always noted. If we find that you improve to our level of standards, we will ask you if you want to join our most dark brotherhood. Current Members (HQ members are xL and up) L - Shagwrath vL - Steven xL - Juby xL - Soul xL - Adcent Sh - Stan Sh - Yuu Sh - Tilong Sh - Izze Sh - Pulse Sh - Tempa Rd - Groove Rd - Amir Rd - skomorje212 Rd - Stark Rd - BigMike Tk - Sinc3 Tk - Marksman Tk - Terry Tk - ILLUSION En - Darude En - Pierce En - Frost En - Cummins En - WenDo
I'm giving HS some love [HS]Philly [HS]wilson @Assassin said in Type the name of the best player left the game: Shagwrath, KillZone, Rabbit, Albers,Heady, Adcent, Pulsee, HaXb0x, Nohr. <3
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4EDKai_2kks old video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ro5vErlNXjo trv kvlt