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  1. Defended Bank: Las Venturas Bank, 0/8 (PBR) Screenshots Involved Agents: Royal|Matthews, Royal|Tiesto, Roya|Narcilius Type Of The Activity: Stopped Store Robbery Screenshots
  2. Type of the event: King of Tower Date of the event: 28 / 8 / 2020 Hoster of the event: Royal|Matthews Prize of the event: 4.500.000$ Winner of the event: LisneR Screens of the event: ::: ::: Type of the event: Kart Race Date of the event: 28 / 8 / 2020 Hoster of the event: Royal|Matthews Prize of the event: 1.500.000$ Winner of the event: Westbrook Screens of the event: ::: ::: Involved agents: Royal|Matthews, Royal|Guard, Royal|Tiesto, Royal|Jamal Type of the activity: Store Robbery Defence. Involved agents: Royal|Matthews, Royal|Guard, Royal|Tiesto, Royal|Jamal Type of the activity: VIP Transportation.
  3. Involved agents: Royal|Matthews, Royal|Richard, Royal|Wu Type of the activity: VIP Transportation. Involved agents: Royal|Matthews, Royal|Richard, Royal|Wu Type of the activity: Store Robbery Defence. Involved agents: Royal|Matthews, Royal|Wu, Royal|Tamo Type of the activity: VIP Transportation.
  4. Involved agents: Royal|Matthews, Royal|Guard, Royal|Jamal, Royal|Narcilius, Royal|Doom Type of the activity: VIP Transportation. Involved agents: Royal|Matthews, Royal|Narcilius, Royal|Doom Type of the activity: VIP Transportation.
  5. Address: Idlewood Flats Account name: aymen000 Last seen: 25th July 2020 Screenshots:
  6. Involved agents: Royal|Matthews, Royal|Ikillyou, Royal|Narcilius Type of the activity: Store Robbery Defence Involved agents: Royal|Matthews, Royal|Max, Royal|Jamal Type of the activity: Store Robbery Defence Training Training details: Royal SCO-19 HQ's and unit members went to a field combat training to prevent crimes. Corner shooting, CQC, 1 versus 1 and some other weapon and combat tricks have been trained. More screenshots: ::: :::
  7. Document Date: The 23th of August 2020 People Involved: Royal Agents, Royal SCO-19 Unit, SWAT and SAFD. Detailed information regarding the case: On the 23th of August, Dispatch made a call about a suspicious van in front of Senate building. SWAT Units, Royal Agents and Royal SCO-19 Unit have come to the scene and made the first observation. A bomb was found in the van and SWAT bomb squad has arrived at the scene. They carefully checked the bomb and then called for SAFD and SAFD EMT's for a backup and possible explosion. The SWAT Bomb squad has disabled the bomb but it was still active. It was going to be triggered by phone or something like that, units started to check the area and found a suspect. They have checked the suspect and his ID afterwards. Nothing found but a Royal Agent got a paper from his pocket. After a minute or so, all units left near the van and then bomb triggered from a phone. A massive explosion was made and some buildings have taken damage from it. Some unit members and the suspect also was injured. SAFD EMT's taken care of the suspect and made the first aids on the scene. After the first aid, the suspect taken to the Los Santos hospital for checkups under supervision of Royal Agents. After the checkups have made, Royal Agents started to question the suspect. He refused and insisted on keeping his silence. After that, Royal Agents decided to move the suspect somewhere more comfortable to make him talk. After they bring him to somewhere secluded, the suspect started to give some details. Royal Agents threaten the suspect that he will be sent to Homeland Security if he insist to keep his silence. Royal Agent reached his pocket and asked about the suspicious paper that he found at the crime scene, the suspect asked him to open and read. After that, the suspect has broken his teeth and a poison dissipated in his mouth. There were a bunch of phone numbers and places for the future bomb attack on the paper. Royal Agents have spread this information with the rest of law enforcement, the suspect taken to hospital for autopsy afterwards.
  8. @Bot-of-Anarchy said in Sons of Anarchy Media: ^[22-8-2020] ^[Arms trafficking (GONE WRONG) (GONE SEXUAL)] ^[] The Sons ( @Ethan @MrCrowley) were transporting a large amount of arms to one of their clients, somehow the police had caught onto this and proceeded to locate them. Unfortunately for the Sons they never managed to deliver the arms as they were pulled over by :forum:Mention:Royals and a fellow officer. Unknown to the Sons the information would have been leaked from somewhere as these officers knew the names of both the Sons who were transporting the weapons. Nevertheless, they were hit, bruised and abused by the officers as they forced them into the enforcer to move them to the local Sheriff's department with no remorse of any physical damage done. Luckily, the Sons had a plan on escaping and stayed as composed as they could, they knew that the local department had a few corrupted Sheriff's and hoped these would be working the afternoon shift. Thankfully they were and as the Sons entered the department giving cheek to everyone and taking the piss they were finally pushed into the cells. Once the Royals had left this was when one of the local Sheriff's offered a deal of $1000 to allow them to escape, but a Son took the initiative to strike a deal of $500 then and $500 once they were free. However, the Sheriff didn't expect the Son to finesse his pistol when he was uncuffed and handing over the money, this allowed the Sons to escape with their $1000 as well as a new pistol to add to the collection and they left the department free men. For more images visit this album ^[Arms trafficking (GONE WRONG) (GONE SEXUAL) - The Aftermath] ^[] After tricking the Sheriff into escaping, the two Sons ( @Ethan , @MrCrowley ) got back to their base. As @MrCrowley minded his own business, the Sheriff ( @Toreno ) located him and went to confront him. The Sheriff tried to intimidate the Sons, although there was no official record of the crime nor a warrant given out to raid their private property. Realizing he is outnumbered he called in his colleagues as back up for the story. Intimidation didn't work, and after a couple of threats from the officers, as well as a couple of insults, they left the base promising revenge for what the Sons did claiming that the town is now theirs. For more images visit this album
  9. Involved agents: Royal|Matthews, Royal|Ikillyou, Royal|Senne, Royal|Max Type of the activity: VIP Transportation.
  10. Defended Bank: Los Santos Bank, 0/8 Screens:
  11. Involved agents: Royal|Matthews, Royal|Richard, Royal|Jamal, Royal|Disaster, Royal|Narcilius, Royal|Doom Type of the activity: Store Robbery Defence. Involved agents: Royal|Matthews, Royal|Richard, Royal|Jamal, Royal|Narcilius, Royal|Doom Type of the activity: Store Robbery Defence.
  12. @FraVios ~[Denied]~(red) - Greetings, thanks for your interest but we decided not to proceed with your application due to weak interest and low amount of experience within the police side and the server. We suggest you to play on the server for a time being and re-apply in a month. @Orten1 ~[Denied]~(red) - Great effort was shown in-game and we appreciate your work. But Top Brass has some doubts about your dedication towards organizations. You also have a massive punishment history which we also doubt that these might be repeated in the future. We are recommending you to show dedication towards our squad and we hope to consider you once again in 2 weeks. @mystic ~[Under review]~(yellow) - Application is under review for the time being. We would like to talk to you about a matter and we also expect to see your application strengthen. Royals Top Brass
  13. Type of the event: Lucky Drown Date of the event: 21 / 8 / 2020 Hoster of the event: Royal|Matthews, Royal|Ikillyou, Royal|Guard, Royal|Narcilius, Royal|Doom Prize of the event: 1.000.000$ Winner of the event: Golf2 Screens of the event: ::: :::
  14. @Amineyy said in Generation X | Media Archive: Date: 21/08/2020 Roleplay #128 Participants: @Amineyy @MaZen20 @Matthews @Guard @Disaster @Narcilius Floyded (unregistered user) Title: ONCF E 1100 - part II Story: short recap: So yesterday At 15:00 PM we had a deal with Arms Assassins, they called us as they were on a shortage of drugs they offered alot of money extra for the risky trip, we had to stop a locomotive driver so he can transport the drugs in his locomotive that transports the phosphates. part II: We promised the locomotive driver that he won't get in any trouble and we payed him to not call the cops. Unfortunately, he called us while he was driving the locomotive: Mr Madra: help! the police stopped me, they know! they know! help ple- Hangs up While we were tracking his location, the cops shut off his mobile phone and unfortunately arrested him before we reached the place. but since we promised that he'll be safe we had to atleast help him, i went to the best lawyer around San Andreas, Mr "Saul Goodman" and offered him alot of money to deffend the locomotive driver on his case, the lawyer told us that the case was a peace of cake and he was able to reduce the sentence from 2 years of jail and 5000$ to only 3 months of jail. ~~The End~ Screenshots: ::: :::
  15. Defended Bank: San Fierro Bank, 4/8. (PBR) Screenshots Involved agents: Royal|Matthews, Royal|Guard, Royal|Pub, Royal|Vanessa, Royal|Senne, Royal|Tamo, Royal|Disaster Type of the activity: VIP Transportation.
  16. Involved agents: Royal|Matthews, Royal|Guard, Royal|Jamal Type of the activity: Store Robbery Defence. Involved agents: Royal|Matthews, Royal|Richard, Royal|Guard, Royal|Jamal Type of the activity: VIP Transportation Defended Bank: Los Santos Bank, 5/8. Screenshots
  17. Involved agents: Royal|Matthews, Royal|Richard, Royal|Wu, Royal|Pub, Royal|Lazar, Royal|Disaster, Royal|Tamo Type of the activity: VIP Transportation.
  18. Defended Bank: Las Venturas Bank, 6/8. Screenshots
  19. Involved agents: Royal|Matthews, Royal|Guard, Royal|FTH, Royal|Senne, Royal|Jamal, Royal|Max Type of the activity: VIP Transportation.
  20. Involved agents: Royal|Matthews, Royal|Richard, Royal|Sanfara, Royal|Jamal, Royal|Max Type of activity: VIP Transportation. Involved agents: Royal|Matthews, Royal|Richard, Royal|Senne, Royal|Jamal, Royal|Max Type of activity: Store Robbery Defence. Involved agents: Royal|Matthews, Royal|Richard, Royal|Senne, Royal|Sanfara Royal|Jamal, Royal|Max Type of activity: VIP Transportation Involved agents: Royal|Matthews, Royal|Richard, Royal|Senne, Royal|Max Type of activity: Store Robbery Defence. Involved agents: Royal|Matthews, Royal|Jamal, Royal|Lazar Type of activity: Store Robbery Defence.
  21. Involved agents: Royal|Richard, Royal|Matthews, RoyalWu, Royal|Max, Royal|Narcilius Type of the activity: VIP Transportation. Defended Bank: Los Santos Bank, 1/8. Screenshots
  22. Involved agents: Royal|Matthews, Royal|Richard, Royal|Narcilius Type of activity: VIP Transportation. Involved agents: Royal|Matthews, Royal|Richard, Royal|Senne, Royal|Jamal, Royal|Narcilius Type of activity: VIP Transportation
  23. Involved agents: Royal|Matthews, Royal|Ikillyou, Royal|Wu, Royal|Max, Royal|jamal Type of activity: VIP Transportation. Involved agents: Royal|Matthews, Royal|Ikillyou Royal|Wu, Royal|Guard, Royal|Max Type of activity: Store Robbery Defence
  24. Involved agents: Royal|Matthews, Royal|Richard, Royal|Guard, Royal|Senne, Royal|Max Type of activity: VIP Transportation. Involved agents: Royal|Matthews, Royal|Guard, Royal|Senne Type of activity: Store Robbery Defence
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