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Everything posted by Darude

  1. GXT Members: Darude Time Taken: 2 hours Deliveries: FC Trucking Depot - Red County Farm Screenshots: https://imgur.com/gallery/D6uAFSf
  2. GXT Members: Darude Time Taken: 1 hour Deliveries: Whetstone Logging - Red County Farm Screenshots: Below ::: :::
  3. GXT Members: Darude Time Taken: 30 minutes Deliveries: Three deliveries on route Mount Chilliad - Whetstone Logging Screenshots: Below ::: 1st https://imgur.com/gallery/ZKLfoXR 2nd https://imgur.com/gallery/ixq5Ww7 3rd https://imgur.com/gallery/WNljYkm :::
  4. Roleplay : 34 Description: Three months ago I got a call from a local prepper about his shipment from South America containing one M1 Abrams tank and one Humvee. He wanted me to take over the shipment from SF to LS, as I was the only one who could be trusted. After arriving to Whetstone, I got a call from him about possible police patrol at my route, so to make sure I called my friends from Rogue 21 to offer me protection. After their quick inspection we decided to get on road and head to their base. The deal was that, after the local police cools down, to pick the trailer and continue my trip. Participants: @Manny @Hentai @bor & me Screenshots: Below ::: :::
  5. GXT Members: Darude Time Taken: 1 hour Deliveries: Various short deliveries Screenshots: https://imgur.com/gallery/nVpQ2rk
  6. Account name: darude Icon name: Burrito Hotel Room A20 Delete this
  7. Address: Burrito Hotel Room A20 Account name: nielsie1997 Last seen: 31st December 2019 Screenshots: ::: :::
  8. Address: LV Pumping Station #3 Account name: truckertoast Last seen: 24th May 2019 Screenshots: ::: :::
  9. With bended knee, I pledge my allegiance to you
  10. not everything needs a change #don'ttouchthefreeway
  11. He made me edit my fact, Flash looking mf
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