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Everything posted by Darude

  1. Participants: Darude District: Las Venturas & Los Santos Shift period: Night (20-04-2020) Number of vehicles: 41 Screenshots: Below ::: :::
  2. GXT Members: Myself Time Taken: 25 minutes Deliveries: Various Screenshots: Below ::: :::
  3. Nickname: Darude Username darude RP Name: Matthew Miocic Age: 20 Nationality Croatian Spoken languages English, Balkan languages, little bit of German Server groups GXT, SAFD, Helvete Write a small RP backstory about your character My name is Matthew. My family moved to USA during the Second World War. Since I was just a little kid, I wanted to become an engineer. And my dream came true as I finished the Engineering University in Dallas, TX. I worked in a mining company in Dallas since last year, when I decided to start family and find better work place. Make a list of the studies of your RP character Bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering Why do you want to join us? I just found out that this group was made and instantly decided that I would like to become a part of it as it looks interesting. Explain with your words any phase of the corporation work Extraction stage starts with finding the raw material location and then proceeds to its study and finding ways to retrieve it from underground. After everything, the material is set to be retrieved. Explain with your words the duty of your department of interest (marketing/security/engineering/scientific) As an engineer, my task would be to make sure that infrastructure stays safe and usable on daily basis. If there is any problem I should fix it as fast and careful as possible. Also I have to be ready to help my colleagues and focus on raw material extraction.
  4. Patrol #1 Date: 15-04-2020 Duration: 25 minutes CC members: @SeBa Screenshots: Below ::: :::
  5. GXT Members: Myself Time Taken: 45 minutes Deliveries: Various Screenshots: Below ::: :::
  6. Address: Chairs Shop Account name: paul1k Last seen: 17th February 2020 Screenshots: ::: :::
  7. Address: 10 S&m Road Account name: jscraminbr Last seen: 08/03/2020 Screenshots: ::: :::
  8. Participants: Darude District: Las Venturas & Los Santos Shift period: Evening (10-04-2020) Number of vehicles: 26 Screenshots: Below ::: :::
  9. Welcome to my Cuban Cars activity topic! Here's what you can expect to see: Roleplay Assisting CC members General activities (car repairs etc) Events and more
  10. Participants: Darude District: Las Venturas & Los Santos Shift period: Night (07-04-2020) Number of vehicles: 21 Screenshots: Below ::: :::
  11. Roleplay type: Gas leak Description of roleplay: I was at the base when I got call about possible gas leak in Montgomery, as the resident told that he noticed strange gas smell in his shack. I grabbed my equipment and rushed to the accident location. I blocked paths and inspected the area for possible danger. I set up the water source if explosion occurs. I removed barrels from the shack and made sure every valve on gas bottles was safely closed and called local gas company about the situation. I waited on the scene till their inspector came to officialy close this case. Location: Montgomery farm, RC Participants: Myself Screenshots: Click here
  12. Roleplay : 43 Description: We were expecting big shipment of medical supply for SF hospital because of the infamous Covid-19 outbreak. Shipment consisted of boxes full of masks, respirators etc. We took of to LV airport, where we met local pharmacy transport worker. He handed us the shipment and helped loading it into heli. We thanked him and took of to our base. We unloaded boxes to the truck for later transport. About a half hour later, when calls were made to organise the transport and needed documents were prepared, Ragnar drove off to the hospital with order. Participants: Myself, @Ragnar20, @Mr-Ghost Screenshots: Below ::: :::
  13. What I have to write"text": We ride fast, work slow and never rush! Banner / Logo / Title / Signature / Userbar [Animated yes/no] banner, animated. color codes: #363636 If you want to add more things, so write it here: Try to add GJMC logo on the left and the text on the right side of the banner, minimalistic look and not too big banner
  14. Ingame name: Darude Account name: darude G/S/C Membership: Gypsy Jokers MC Why would you like to join our party?: I strongly believe that changes need to be done and that this coalition is perfect for that. I agree with your manifest, so you have my vote for better tommorow.
  15. Adress: Autobahn Cash Exchange Account name: doris Last seen: 29th February 2020 Screenshots: ::: :::
  16. Adress: 18a Donut Road Account name: pedrinho Last seen: 28th February 2020 Screenshots: ::: :::
  17. Participants: Myself, Ferthis District: LV - LS - SF Shift period: 20:30 - 22:00 Number of vehicles: 26 Screenshots: Below ::: :::
  18. GXT Members: Darude Time Taken : 45 minutes Delivery: Various + 3 stations refueled Screenshots: https://imgur.com/gallery/aVAb6Qt
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