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Everything posted by Darude

  1. Participants: Darude District: LS, LV Shift period: Night Shift (05/06/2020) Number of vehicles: 9 Screenshots: Below ::: :::
  2. Address: Tiny Sharp Shop Account name: jdmworks Last seen: 4th May 2020 Screenshots: Below ::: :::
  3. Roleplay type: Mass grave Description of roleplay: Huge smoke was coming out of the pit in BC. As I got closer, the fire was blazing, as the pit was ful of easy flamable trash. I tried to extinguish the fire but it had no results. So I had to use the engine. After getting the fire under control and eventually stopping it, I started removing the burned things. Halfway done, I noticed black bag sticking out. I removed more trash and there it was: multiple body bags, burned to the core. 10 minutes later, SAM and ICE units came to the scene. We checked the body bags for any clues. Officers found M16 near the pit and classified it as a suspected murder weapon. We loaded those bodies to the ambulance and headed to ICE HQ, where they will continue investigating and hopefully the murders will be solved. Location: Bone County Participants: @Niklaus @LAPD_Spanish_VEN @samuel3021 @darude Screenshots: Below ::: :::
  4. Participants: Darude District: LS, LV Shift period: Night Shift (03/06/2020) Number of vehicles: 12 Screenshots: Below ::: :::
  5. Starting Bid: 1.000.000 Min bid increase: 500k Buyout price: 2.500.000 +Carspawn Screenshots: Below ::: :::
  6. Starting Bid: 1.000.000 Min bid increase: 200k Buyout price: 2.000.000 +Carspawn Screenshots: ::: :::
  7. Roleplay type: Arson Description of roleplay: I was finishing my lunch break when a local man called me about an arsonist starting a fire on a nearby cottage. I rushed to the scene, only to find out that the arsonist was throwing grenades, which caused the fire to spread around. He fleed the scene immediately but luckily I brought two agents with me. They reacted quickly and subdued the criminal, member of notorious Gypsy Jokers MC. I managed to put the fire out quickly with my engine. Agents came back to the scene to make a report., so that the local PD can start the investigation. After they left, I started inspecting the area and called fire inspector. Location: Tierra Robada Participants: @minx @Epichu @Freeze-Monkey @darude Screenshots: Below ::: https://imgur.com/gallery/jhWUWYr :::
  8. GXT Members: Myself Time Taken: 30 minutes Vehicles Fixed: 17 Screenshots: Below ::: :::
  9. Patrol #2 Date: 24-05-2020 Duration: 1 hour CC members: N/A Screenshots: Below ::: :::
  10. Participants: Darude District: Las Venturas - Los Santos Shift period: Afternoon shift (13-05-2020) Number of vehicles: 18 Screenshots: Below ::: :::
  11. Address: Temple Flat 4 Account name: firme Last seen: 31 March 2020 Screenshots: ::: :::
  12. Address: Temple Flat 3 Account name: Zebronel Last seen: 25 Feb 2020 Screenshots: ::: :::
  13. Participants: Darude District: Las Venturas Shift period: Afternoon shift (02-05-2020) Number of vehicles: 11 Screenshots: Below ::: :::
  14. GXT Members: Myself Time Taken: 50 minutes Deliveries: Various Screenshots: Below ::: :::
  15. GXT Members: Myself Time Taken: 25 minutes Deliveries: Various Screenshots: Below ::: :::
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