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Everything posted by Darude

  1. Starting Bid: 3.000.000$ Min bid increase: 500.000$ Buyout price: 15.000.000$ Screenshots: Below ::: :::
  2. Account name: darude Icon name: 4_Red_County_Trailer_Park
  3. Starting Bid: 2m Min bid increase: 500k Buyout price: 7m Screenshots: Below ::: :::
  4. Starting Bid: 1.000.000 Min bid increase: 500k Buyout price: 4.000.000 Screenshots: Below ::: :::
  5. Starting Bid: 1.000.000 Min bid increase: 500k Buyout price: 6.000.000 +Carspawn Screenshots: Below ::: :::
  6. Participants: Darude District: LV Shift period: Evening Shift (09/06/2020) Number of vehicles: 14 Screenshots: Below ::: :::
  7. Roleplay type: Building fire Description of roleplay: Below Location: Los Santos ::: @Rocoso said in SAI - Contributions & Activity log: ^[] Involved SAI members: @Rocoso Divisions involved:(ND/HSPD/RSD/CID) None. Other involved people: @Zack @LandShark @Darude Date, time and duration of activity: June 15th, 2020 Activity type: Roleplay. Details: I was on patrol and it was a lonely afternoon when I noticed that I had to change the tire of my patrol car, so I went to the mechanic's shop in Los Santos. We were there and I was waiting for the mechanic to finish making the modifications to my patrol car when a strong explosion left us unconscious, They inspected the area and kept the fire under control for a few minutes, the fire chief came and told me that he was going to look for something, there were explosive devices in the area, quickly the antiexplosives unit of the department of Los Santos arrived, we cordoned off the area and closed the roads around the building, the bombs were defused and the team of detectives began the investigation to find the culprit of that attack Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/zvx31YR :::
  8. Address: Everything Musty Go Bussiness Account name: grandi Last seen: May 10th 2020 Screenshots:
  9. Address: Pikngomarket Bussiness Account name: lion1221 Last seen: 15th May 2020 Screenshots:
  10. Address: The Motor Heads Racing Hideout Account name: skirillex Last seen: 15th May 2020 Screenshots:
  11. Address: Pikngomarket Bussiness Account name: lion1221 Last seen: 15th May 2020 Screenshots:
  12. Address: The Motor Heads Racing Hideout Account name: skirillex Last seen: 15th May 2020 Screenshots:
  13. Nickname: Darude Account name: darude Do you have discord? Yes Rate your English skills from 1 to 10: 9 What languages do you speak: English, Balkan languages, German How long are you playing SAES: Started in 2015 Current G/S/C: Gypsy Jokers MC Current Groups: GXT, ZIP, SAFD Previous Groups: Cluckin' Bell Rate your driving skills 1 to 10: 8 Why do you want to join us?: I want to help my friend Gyula and have fun drifting around San Andreas
  14. Participants: Darude District: LV Shift period: Night Shift (09/06/2020) Number of vehicles: 17 Screenshots: Below ::: :::
  15. Participants: Darude District: LS Shift period: Night Shift (08/06/2020) Number of victims saved/healed: 21 Screenshots: Below ::: :::
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