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  1. All Load Trucking - We Ship And Repair Your Shit! Type Of Activity: Delivering Roleplay Date: 04/12/2024 Participants: @MetalHead Duration: 11 mins Screenshots:
  2. @Linkan sure but it seems like it just got left behind igeuzz somethings rong with it
  3. All Load Trucking - We Ship And Repair Your Shit! Type Of Activity: Delivering Goods Date: 26/11/2024 Participants: N/A Duration: 30 min Screenshots: Red Country Farm - Creek Warehousing Creek Warehousing - Whetstone Logging Whetstone Logging - Creek Warehousing
  4. All Load Trucking - We Ship And Repair Your Shit! Type Of Activity: Trucking. Date: 14/11/2024 Participants: Myself Duration: half an hour Screenshots: Red Country Farm - Creek Warehousing Creek Warehousing - Whetstone Logging Whetstone Logging - Linden Stadion LV
  5. All Load Trucking - We Ship And Repair Your Shit! Type Of Activity: Trucking. Date: 13/11/2024 Participants: Myself Duration: one hour Screenshots: RedCountry Farm - LV Trucking Depot LV warehousing - Red Rountry Logging Red Rountry Logging - Rockshore East Construction
  6. All Load Trucking - We Ship And Repair Your Shit! Type Of Activity: Trucking. Date: 14/11/2024 Participants: Myself Duration: Half an hour Screenshots: Whetstone Logging - LV Depot RedCountry Farm - Creek Warehousing Los Santos Inlet - Arco del Oeste
  7. All Load Trucking - We Ship And Repair Your Shit! Type Of Activity: Trucking. Date: 14/11/2024 Participants: Myself Duration: Half an hour Screenshots: Arco del Oeste - RockShore East Construction Rockshore East Construction - Red Country logging Red Country logging - Creek Warehousing
  8. All Load Trucking - We Ship And Repair Your Shit! Type Of Activity: Trucking. Date: 14/11/2024 Participants: Myself Duration: Half an hour Screenshots: Red Country Barn - Creek Warehousing Creek Warehousing - Whetstone Logging Whetstone Logging - Linden Stadion LV
  9. no worries i also got it ingame thanks tho!
  10. Display Name: Tokyo Username: Martin40030 Link to ALL Donation Topics: i couldent find more reward changes then these 2 but u can also see on my profil on old forum that i donated 91 if that helps anything https://archive.saesrpg.uk/profile/11243-tokyodrift/ Total number of Donation Points: £91
  11. thanks 4 the answer but i dont even know how to get on old forum ? can u help me
  12. Part I: Link your Donation Tracking topic: When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? maybe in 2017 or 16/18 i dont remember its on old forum 😕 Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: Put the type of vehicle that you already have and you want to be removed here. i dont have any right now since its years ago and the topics of old donations is on old forum 😕 Location: Interior: Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: stuntplane Location: Vehicle 2: maverick Location: on the heli place plz ❤️ Vehicle 3: ' shamal Location: 'behind that blue shamal plz did not know i had to stand exacly where i wanted it so infront of me Vehicle 4: ' shamal Location: ' Vehicle 5: ' i dont know if i can but i had it befor can i maybe have a Sea Sparrow here Location: ' Vehicle 6: ' cropduster Location: ' Alternatively, Username: martin40030 Interior: Repeat this step if you wish to change more than one vehicle. Copy the format from below: Part I: Link your Donation Tracking Topic: i dont get that point i dont know how it works so plz help me out here frist time im doing donation stuff on new forum When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? 2017 or something on old forums ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: Location: (IF PLACED AT A PERSONAL PROPERTY, LIST THE PROPERTY NAME AND OWNER'S USERNAME HERE SO WE CAN LOCATE IT.) Interior: ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Location: (IF PLACED AT A PERSONAL PROPERTY, LIST THE PROPERTY NAME AND OWNER'S USERNAME HERE SO WE CAN LOCATE IT.) Username: (YOUR USERNAME ONLY, USE ./DVM FOR ANY ADDITIONAL USERNAMES)
  13. Nickname: Tokyo Username: martin40030 Nationality: Denmark Country of residence: Denmark Languages spoken: english danish abit germany Age: 26 SECTION II - BACKGROUND Do you have discord?: yes How long you have been playing SAES:RPG?: since 2012 ithink Have you ever been banned from SAES? if so, why?: no Previous memberships? (including why you left/got kicked): AA left if i remember right HS died :( TT left Current group(s) membership?: none Did any CDC member suggest that you should apply? if so, who?: proton SECTION III - ADDITIONAL INFORMATION State 3 strengths of yours: driving flying shooting State 3 Weaknesses of yours: smoking weed.. smoking cigs oh u mean in game driving my huntley Why shall we consider accepting you?: cause an awesome guy and i will be active.. How will you be benefiting CDC: being a nice person i geuss Briefly tell us about yourself: im not good telling about my self but im a OG gamer and i like to be on saes it brings back all my memorise Post a picture of weed or your application won't be considered! (use a spoiler): [s=]https://imgur.com/a/KGnUZh6[/s]
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