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Everything posted by flappppyyy

  1. Participants:@zeus74330 Story: we heard that Cunning stunts have a lot of bikes with high quality,that's why our HQ team told us to steal their bikes that we can use them in our role which is upgrading the other bikes that's why I decide to call "lily" a new member in Organization zero that he can help me in this mission, so we decide to get ready, however, we took some guns and some ammo, we get our bikes that we can move so quickly, and we went to CS base, when we arrived we parked our bikes in a hidden place that anyone cant see them or steal them,i told lily to check the base, and luckily we didnt found anyone there, so quicky we ran over the bikes and we steal them,then we put them in our burrito and we cameback to our base, when we arrived, we decide take out the bikes from burrito and we put them in our base,also, I called our HQ team to come to check what we did, they were so happy and proud of what we did today for our gang . Screenshots: ::: :::
  2. Participants:@zeus74330 Story: we heard that Cunning stunts have a lot of bikes with high quality,that's why our HQ team told us to steal their bikes that we can use them in our role which is upgrading the other bikes that's why I decide to call "lily" a new member in Organization zero that he can help me in this mission, so we decide to get ready, however, we took some guns and some ammo, we get our bikes that we can move so quickly, and we went to CS base, when we arrived we parked our bikes in a hidden place that anyone cant see them or steal them,i told lily to check the base, and luckily we didnt found anyone there, so quicky we ran over the bikes and we steal them,then we put them in our burrito and we cameback to our base, when we arrived, we decide take out the bikes from burrito and we put them in our base,also, I called our HQ team to come to check what we did, they were so happy and proud of what we did today for our gang . Screenshots: ::: :::
  3. -=(gray)(09/07/2018)=- -=(green,olive)Los santos BR:=- Screenshot: ::: :::
  4. -=(gray)(08/07/2018)=- -=(green,olive)Los santos BR:=- Screenshot: ::: :::
  5. Participants:@Pump @flappppyyy Story: today, when I was having fun with my friends in Los Santos bar, suddenly I got a call from Wild angles,he told me that they heard that we are selling drugs of high quality and they need a trusted gang that they can buy from it some drugs of high quality that they need it for their party,also they told me that they will come to our base to check our drugs, so quickly, I decide to go to our base ,and I got ready, however,i prepare the drugs and I waited for him,20 mins later,"pump" a member from wild angels came with his Huntley, and he told me that he need to check our drugs before getting it , so I head him to the place that we put our drugs on it that he can test it and luckily he found it good drugs, after a long talk about the price he decide to take 1g with 50000$, then we took the drugs and we put it to his car and he paid me. ::: :::
  6. Participants:@Pump @flappppyyy Story: today, when I was having fun with my friends in Los Santos bar, suddenly I got a call from Wild angles,he told me that they heard that we are selling drugs of high quality and they need a trusted gang that they can buy from it some drugs of high quality that they need it for their party,also they told me that they will come to our base to check our drugs, so quickly, I decide to go to our base ,and I got ready, however,i prepare the drugs and I waited for him,20 mins later,"pump" a member from wild angels came with his Huntley, and he told me that he need to check our drugs before getting it , so I head him to the place that we put our drugs on it that he can test it and luckily he found it good drugs, after a long talk about the price he decide to take 1g with 50000$, then we took the drugs and we put it to his car and he paid me. ::: :::
  7. Participants:@ElPadrino @Bernasx Story: its was a boring day, thats why i decide to chill out around Los santos so i get ready, however, I bring some weapons, i took a car and i went, when I was walking, a man broke my car by wrong, so i decide to get out of car and i talked to him, he decides to gimme some money cuz it was his fault , I knew that cripz has the ability to fix car and upgrade them so well thats why I decide to call a member from cripz named "Elpadrino" and i asked him if he is free to fix my car, he agreed, I knew that cripz fix the cars so well, however, I went to cripz and i bring my car with me, after opening gates to me, i parked my car and i talked with him, I explained to him what just happened to the car,then he decided to check the engine and the lights ... after checking the car, he understands what's happened to it, he took it to the place where they do all the Repairs and he started fixing with "bernasx", after 2 days, they are done with fixing it and all things go fine, I decide to pay them for their help and I came back to our base. ::: :::
  8. Participants:@ElPadrino @Bernasx Story: its was a boring day, thats why i decide to chill out around Los santos so i get ready, however, I bring some weapons, i took a car and i went, when I was walking, a man broke my car by wrong, so i decide to get out of car and i talked to him, he decides to gimme some money cuz it was his fault , I knew that cripz has the ability to fix car and upgrade them so well thats why I decide to call a member from cripz named "Elpadrino" and i asked him if he is free to fix my car, he agreed, I knew that cripz fix the cars so well, however, I went to cripz and i bring my car with me, after opening gates to me, i parked my car and i talked with him, I explained to him what just happened to the car,then he decided to check the engine and the lights ... after checking the car, he understands what's happened to it, he took it to the place where they do all the Repairs and he started fixing with "bernasx", after 2 days, they are done with fixing it and all things go fine, I decide to pay them for their help and I came back to our base. ::: :::
  9. Event type: Cheetah Race LWS/g6: Bachwa Prize: 1.500.000 Winner: OLAF Location: LS-Airport Screenshot: ::: :::
  10. (08/07/2018) -=(green,olive)Los santos BR:=--=(gray,silver)8/8=- Screenshot: ::: :::
  11. Road trip: -=(gray)(08/07/2018)=- Screenshot: ::: = :::
  12. -=(gray)(08/07/2018)=- Screenshots: ::: :::
  13. -=(gray)(07/07/2018)=- Screenshots: ::: :::
  14. Turf war: -=(gray)(07/07/2018)=- -=(green,olive)Whetstone=- Screenshot: ::: ::: -=(green,olive)San fierro:=- -=(gray)(07/07/2018)=- Screenshot: ::: :::
  15. Event type: Musical Chairs LWS/g6: Fyrr Prize: 2.000.000 Winner: Karma Location: g6 Screenshot: ::: :::
  16. Event type: Knock me from NRG-500 LWS/g6: Brondy Prize: 2.000.000 Winner: Rocker and JoseFrags Location: LV-Around Screenshot: ::: :::
  17. Username:amiir3 last seen:7th june 2018
  18. Username:amiir3 last seen:7th june 2018
  19. Participants:@XpookS @Jesse420 Story:-=(olive)(part 2)=- after 2 weeks, we prepared the bikes that wild angles Requested from us, we upgrade them with V8 elite and now all goes fine, so I decide to call them to tell them that we will transport those bikes to their base, they told me that they are waiting for me so I got ready,however,we get a "road train" that we can put the bikes in it trunk, we get some weapons to avoid pigs and we went to Wild angels base, after 5 hours of walking,we arrived at the base, there, we found "xpooks" a member from wild angels waiting for us,so we talked a bit,then he told me that he needs to check them and luckily he found them great, after a long talk about the price he decided to take each bike with 1800$ so went to Bone County bank that he can take out his money then he paid us.after finishing the deal we went to our base and we put the money in our treasury. Screenshots: ::: :::
  20. Participants:@XpookS @Jesse420 Story:-=(olive)(part 2)=- after 2 weeks, we prepared the bikes that wild angles Requested from us, we upgrade them with V8 elite and now all goes fine, so I decide to call them to tell them that we will transport those bikes to their base, they told me that they are waiting for me so I got ready,however,we get a "road train" that we can put the bikes in it trunk, we get some weapons to avoid pigs and we went to Wild angels base, after 5 hours of walking,we arrived at the base, there, we found "xpooks" a member from wild angels waiting for us,so we talked a bit,then he told me that he needs to check them and luckily he found them great, after a long talk about the price he decided to take each bike with 1800$ so went to Bone County bank that he can take out his money then he paid us.after finishing the deal we went to our base and we put the money in our treasury. Screenshots: ::: :::
  21. Turf war: -=(gray)(05/07/2018)=- -=(green,olive)San Fierro=- Screenshots: ::: :::
  22. -=(gray)(05/07/2018)=- -=(green,olive)San Fierro BR:=- Screenshots: ::: ::: -=(green,olive)Los Santos BR:=- Screenshots: ::: :::
  23. -=(gray)(05/07/2018)=- Screenshot: ::: :::
  24. Participants:@KayLeR Story Organization zero got a lot of money from this area which is selling which is bikes production and delivery and today, we got a new client which is Wild angels, however, I received a call from "Kayler" a trusted member in WA and he told me that he heard that we have modern bikes with high quality and he want to buy some bikes that it can help them in their Abductions, 1 hour later, he came to our base, we talked a bit then i told him to choose his bikes And explained the advantages of each bike, however, he decide to choose the best bikes that we have but that will be so expensive, so I decided to i reduced the price and he decided to take 6 NRGs with 48523$ and I promise them to transport those bikes to their base this weak cuz they need them At the earliest time . Screenshots: ::: :::
  25. Participants:@KayLeR Story Organization zero got a lot of money from this area which is selling which is bikes production and delivery and today, we got a new client which is Wild angels, however, I received a call from "Kayler" a trusted member in WA and he told me that he heard that we have modern bikes with high quality and he want to buy some bikes that it can help them in their Abductions, 1 hour later, he came to our base, we talked a bit then i told him to choose his bikes And explained the advantages of each bike, however, he decide to choose the best bikes that we have but that will be so expensive, so I decided to i reduced the price and he decided to take 6 NRGs with 48523$ and I promise them to transport those bikes to their base this weak cuz they need them At the earliest time . Screenshots: ::: :::
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