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SAES Developer
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Everything posted by Steven

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  3. UPDATE: Entrance for the defending organization has been changed to a double door in the centre of the wall instead of two doors at each end of the wall. [s=][/s]
  4. 7m given Placed: FBI Rancher @ LVX Garage Police LV @ LVX Garage SWAT Tank @ LV PD Police LS @ SAFP Base Police LV @ SF PD Police LV @ Personal property 'Fence Warehouse Store' Shamal @ LS AP
  5. sorted
  6. Congratulations @JojoDb
  7. ah yes criminals don't win enough SRs/BRs as it is, lets make it even harder for cops so that criminals can get a clean 100% BR and SR success rate. 75% - 85% isn't enough :(
  8. This is an automated post TXN ID: 8SN66751268816838 Donation Amount: 5.00GBP Link to your Donation Tracking/Points Topic: Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: Vehicle Colour: Specify any upgrades: Usernames to lock: (your username first, followed by all other usernames) Where you want it placed: For any help with rewards, please check this topic.
  9. 2 custom wraps applied to Police LVs
  10. 1.5m rewarded Police LV placed at 'Coke Apartments 3'
  11. Confirmed, 130 points.
  12. 1.5m rewarded Placed: Turismo at 'paradiso heights'
  13. 3m rewarded Placed at 'Paradiso heights': Glendale damaged with generic wrap Generic wrap added to existing Turismo
  14. Interior 7 added to '8 El Corona' Placed at MS13 base: Sabre Stratum Burrito Shamal (SF AP)
  15. 6m rewarded Placed: Police LV x2 at '9 gay kenny road' Waiting for custom wrap to be uploaded
  16. Due to lots of bugged vehicles all players vehicles were removed and replaced: Placed at MS13 base: Glendale Damaged Stratum with generic wrap Savanna with generic wrap Sultan Maverick (LS AP)
  17. Removed: Landstalker Stratum Sentinel Added: Picador @ MS13 base Dodo @ MS13 base Glendale Damaged @ MS13 base
  18. Custom wrap applied to turismo
  19. Bullet placed @ 'random house in desert'
  20. 3m rewarded Donator group given Added: FBI ranger @ 'Delins Flower Power Store' Police LV @ 'the emerald isle shop 1'
  21. Confirmed, 30 points.
  22. Removed: Kart Infernus Added: Infernus @ Water Sports Shop Stratum @ 5 Seaview Road
  23. 3m rewarded Placed: Buffalo @ O base with custom wrap
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