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Everything posted by Reacher

  1. Well... lately, I've been doing a research to see what kind of people are running our community and I gotta'admit, the results were pretty 'interesting' So, basically there are 4 types: The dumbass that knows nothing but mom jokes The sensitive little kid The serious guy I don't know what this is but I like it
  2. Damn... I don't know why this shit reminds me of Paul Walker's death... SAES lost a very precious member. Our hearts will always ache in sadness, you'll never be forgotten sir.
  3. Happy birthday weld Aida, may god grant you to the senetiry to accomplish your dreams and guide your shitty lost soul to his light
  4. I'm a crazy fan of Tom cruise and I liked his role in 'Jack Reacher'. I got inspired by the character's sick personality and badass look. Actually, my favorite quote is 'I will beat you to death and drink your blood from a boot'
  5. Woops failed to add a pic... nvm
  6. He was going to make a charity event in Florida... damn it people, he was a good person..
  7. Thank you very much ladies, your wishes really mean a lot to me!
  8. @ardron said in Happy birthday Reacher!: Happy Birthday N00b Your son is 16, daddy! Tell mom :cold_sweat:
  9. Thank you very much boys for the fantastic birthday wishes!
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