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Everything posted by Split010

  1. ~[FOX crew]~(navy): Johnny English, Shaggy, Split. ~[Date and time of the patrol:]~(navy) 02-14-2020, 13:42+ ~[Screenshots:]~(navy) https://imgur.com/a/XybrHQt
  2. ~[SECTION A]~(red) 1- Name: Mahmoud 2- Ingame name: Split 3- Age: 17 4- Sex: Male 5- English proficiency: I believe that my English is good. I give it 8/10 6- Native language: Arabic 7- Other languages: French, English, and a bit of German. 8- Do you have a Pro Cop diploma?: Yes, I have Pro Cop diploma. 9- When did you start playing SAES/MTA?: I think at Fall 2018. 10- Total gameplay (hours): 866 hours 11- Approx gameplay daily (hours): I just got back from my inactivity, but won't be spending too much time ingame daily. About 1 or 2 hours a day. 12- Average FPS: 60 13- Average Ping: 80 14- Previous organizations: I used to be a SAPA Cadet and when I got my PC diploma I joined TST. 15- Are you an active user of Discord?: Yes, I am. 16- Have you installed Teamspeak 3: Yes but it needs to be updated. ~[SECTION B]~(red,red) A. Define our role (FOX): FOX's most important role is to assure the safety of SA by protecting it from criminal organizations and proceeding in with investigations and evidence research. B. Define marker arrest: Marker arrest is arresting someone as he's still on the marker that gets him in or out the building. C. Minimum arresting level: 10 stars. D. Point out and define 4 major server rules: No deathmatching: Avoid killing any other people for no valid reason. No multiaccounting: You're able to create only one account through one IP/PC. Don't avoid arrest by killing yourself, logging out. Main chat is only for English. Talking in any other language beside it is prohibited. E. Explain why you should attempt to roleplay before each arrest: SAES:RPG is based on RolePlaying, therefore it's important to attempt to roleplay before each arrest to communicate with the other player and know whether they should be arrested or not. ~[SECTION C]~(red) I. Write about yourself in 4 sentences: I'm Mahmoud Zemzari, a 17 year-old student born and living in Gabes, Tunisia. I believe that I'm a II. Write your strengths and weaknesses: I truly believe in both TEAMwork and HARDwork because through them, I'm able to accomplish most of my tasks and almost perfectly. Ingame, I'm good at driving vehicles and aiming at steady or moving targets. What bothers me about myself is my moody temper. I easily get mad when arguing with someone, especially when I'm right. But it's something I'm working on fixing in myself. III. Why do you wish to join FOX over other squads?: I chose FOX among the other squads because the day I returned to the game I was impressed by the activity of this squad, so it encouraged me to apply to it. IV. Convince us in 2 lines why you would fit the team: Well, as I mentioned earlier, I'm a hardworker but beside that I make a great job as a police officer in your squad thanks to my RolePlaying skills that I acquired through PC and my experience in SA Interceptors and my arresting skills with around 1100 arrests. V. Do you have any additional information you want to add:? No, I don't. ~[By posting this application, you are aware of our terms and that this application is only and only written by you, and states nothing but the truth.]~(maroon) ~[ Retard test: Post a picture of White House in Los Santos to even be considered to join Fox Operations X.]~(,orange) ::: https://imgur.com/a/Y7xraDj :::
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