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Posts posted by Celalbaba-Rex

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    Patrolling lv. w/ Genetrix. Agent.Gentrix is questioning criminal, which have parked on the road, for possibly transporting drugs to sf. Agent.Genetrix took a small talk with the suspect. Later on the suspect starts to sweat from his 4head, at that moment the suspect tried to run for it, but got arrested quickly by Agent.Genetrix

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    FBI Case

    Resume: Suspicious truck driver seen with heavy load. Suspect name: Tupacshakur.

    Citizen report that a truck driver handed over some drugs to some men at a traffic light, near four dragon casino.
    The truck driver were followed by Agent Rex and his fellow State trooper sooLking. The truck driver were followed to the drop of, and had a small talk till he got nervous and started sweating from his 4head, then the Trooper asked, "what is it youre hiding in there", sadly no reply from the driver. Seconds later the truck driver decided to run for it, but were quickly arrested for attempting to run from the FBI, while detained.
    Found, drugs, and guns, behind all that load at the very back of the trailer, the trailer were taken by the FBI for evidence.

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    Date: 02-25-20

  3. Personal Information: My name is Deniz actually my middle name that will do. Im 22 years old and live in Denmark, ive been studying as cook.
    Name: Rex
    Account Name:Celalbaba
    Primary Language: Danish/turkish
    Other Languages you speak:English
    In-Game Information: Ive been in SAFP long time ago and had alot of training there, we usally went on training and rp with other gangs.
    How long have you been playing MTA: 1 year
    How long have you been playing SAES: RPG: 1 year. SAES:RPG was the first server i played and i stayed cus its SAES!.
    Do you have a ProCop diploma?: no :/
    Previous G/S/C memberships and why you left: SAFP Left due to inactivity cus of studying so i quit the game.
    Why do you wish to join the FBI: FBI fits my style of rp/gameplay i would really like to join this agency.
    If you have been previous banned, link your ban appeals: Havent been banned b4.
    General Knowledge: I usually play as Police, criminal not so much, i like the Nightsticks and send bad people to jail. :)
    Define roleplaying: Sees a criminal goes 200mph, turns on the sirens and going full speed after the scumbag. Criminal decides to stop, turns out its just pothead doing testing in his new car, and it was quite smoky too, not the engine tho. Basically playing as police/agent cathcing bad people/criminals, roleplaying with them if theyre up to it ofc.
    Define deathmatching: Killing without reason, or blowing up others cars because its fun, deathmatching is a no go in saes since its a rp server.
    State three server rules (F1): Imptersonating SAES/admins, Killing at hospitals, avoiding arrest.

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