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Everything posted by Edu.

  1. Address: Cripz weed farm Account name: chulivivicus Last seen: on 2nd December 2020 Screenshots:
  2. Assisting UE BR at LS Bank 30/12/2020 Assisting O BR at SF Bank 30/12/2020 Assisting X BR at BC Bank 30/12/2020 Assisting X BR at LV Bank 30/12/2020 Assisting PBR at TR Bank 30/12/2020 Jail Break 30/12/2020 Store Rob 30/12/2020 VIP 30/12/2020
  3. Assisting UE BR at LV Bank 29/12/2020 Assisting X BR at LV Bank 29/12/2020 Assisting X BR at LS Bank 29/12/2020 Assisting CripZ BR at BC Bank 29/12/2020 Jail break 29/12/2020 VIP 29/12/2020
  4. Turfwar 28/12/2020 Assisting X BR at SF Bank 28/12/2020 Assisting O BR at TR Bank 28/12/2020 Assisting PBR at SF Bank 28/12/2020 Store Rob 28/12/2020 VIP 28/12/2020
  5. Turfwar 27/12/2020 Assisting X BR at RC Bank 27/12/2020 Assisting HS BR at BC Bank 27/12/2020 Assisting UE BR at LV Bank 27/12/2020 Assisting O BR at SF Bank 27/12/2020 Assisting PBR SF Bank 27/12/2020 Store Rob 27/12/2020 VIP 27/12/2020
  6. Assisting HS BR at LV Bank 26/12/2020 Assisting PBR at LV bank 26/12/2020 Jail break 26/12/2020 Store Rob 26/12/2020 VIP 26/12/2020
  7. Turfwar LV 22/12/2020 Assisting AA BR at SF Bank 22/12/2020 Assisting BB BR at LS Bank 22/12/2020 Assisting O BR at SF Bank 22/12/2020 Assisting BB BR at LV Bank 22/12/2020 Assisting O BR at TR Bank 22/12/2020 Assisting AA BR at LS Bank 22/12/2020 Assisting BB BR at RC Bank 22/12/2020 Jail break 22/12/2020 Store Rob 22/12/2020
  8. Turfwar 21/12/2020 Assisting NavM BR at SF Bank 21/12/2020 Assisting M BR at LS Bank 21/12/2020 Store Rob 21/12/2020
  9. Assisting NavM BR at Lv bank 20/12/2020 Assisting BB BR at RC Bank 20/12/2020 Jail break 20/12/2020 Store Rob 20/12/2020
  10. Jail break 18/12/2020 Store Rob 18/12/2020 Jail break 19/12/2020 Store Rob 19/12/2020
  11. Turfwar 17/12/2020 Assisting O BR at LS bank 17/12/2020 Assisting PBR at LV bank 17/12/2020 Store Rob 17/12/2020
  12. Ingame name: Kodigo Acount name: eduuh96 Nationality: Argentina Age: 24 English Proficiency: 7/10 How long have you been playing SAES:RPG: 2 years Other groups: N/A Current organization: Organization Zero What does roleplaying mean: It consists of two or more people representing a situation or specific case in real life, acting according to the role assigned to them and in such a way that it becomes more vivid and authentic. Why do you want to join us: I would like to enter, since I would help actively and collaborate with the activities What can you bring to Rooftop Korean:I can give Koreans a lot of activity and a lot of effort too Who are Rooftop Korean:From what I was reading, it is a group of Koreans who defended their premises from the rooftops so that they are not vandalized or robbed. Do you have any friends in Rooftop Korean: Yes @Alessio @marcofercam @Dioni @PedroFigari Did you hanged already with any Rooftop Korean: Yes Put a picture of a Rooftop Korean in a spoiler : ::: ::: What will be your korean name?: Iori Yagami
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