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Everything posted by Siirtuga

  1. @Bartman you cant bartman ur ass is too fat xD
  2. @Kubreit Cyanide & Happiness? :D
  3. @Rzz0 #FREE ODORian xD
  4. @SNome aahahah :D tenho um dedo que adivinha xD
  5. @SNome to xD estas a comer pipocas tambem? xD
  6. of course only for alliances
  7. yes that would be great and helpful
  8. Starting bid:10 millions Minimum bid increase: 1.000.000$ its not in greensale ::: ::: :::
  9. @Petrow lol that makes no sense 92
  10. @kipt esse no gosto foi mesmo para o troll? xD
  11. Starting bid: 5,000,000 Minimum bid increase: 1.000.000$ buyout :27 millions ::: :::
  12. @Raf0 but u only spoke for Cop side lol
  13. @Bartman nice idea weather boy :D
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