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Everything posted by Harb

  1. Start from 10m
  2. Event number: 62 Event type: Fence Race Prize(s): 1.500.000 $ LWS/G6/CEO Helper(s): [STF]Ramos,dufabo Winner(s): [WA]Hope Screenshots:https://postimg.cc/gallery/289hdgyrq/
  3. Event number: 5 Event type: Fence Race Prize(s): 1.500.000 $ LWS/G6/CEO Helper(s): [STF]Ramos,dufabo Winner(s): [WA]Hope Screenshots:https://postimg.cc/gallery/289hdgyrq/
  4. Event number: 4 Event type: Colt-LMS Prize(s): 1.000.000 $ LWS/G6/CEO Helper(s): [STF]Ramos Winner(s): [ThC]Raiden Screenshots: https://postimg.cc/gallery/2bxig0e12/
  5. Event number: 3 Event type: fallout Prize(s): 1.000.000 $ LWS/G6/CEO Helper(s): [FOX]Legend Winner(s): [ThC]Windows Screenshots: https://postimg.cc/gallery/1egfci7wm/
  6. Event number: 2 Event type: Chicken hunter Prize(s): 1.000.000 $ LWS/G6/CEO Helper(s): [B~B]Nyx_ Winner(s): SAPA|NH4 Screenshots: https://postimg.cc/gallery/ezsxc0sm/
  7. Event number: 1 Event type: Chicken shooter Prize(s): 1.000.000 $ LWS/G6/CEO Helper(s): [B~B]Nyx_ Winner(s): orchestra Screenshots: https://postimg.cc/gallery/2yhnm7k7a/
  8. Hello community, this's my own topic about Lightning World Sports, here I will post my all activities. Meanwhile, I will use the format below for each post. Event Number: Type of event: Prize: LWS/G6 member(s): Winner(s): Screenshot(s):
  9. RolePlay type:Selling weapons Story:i got a call from leader of a famous gang in Las Vanturs called Mrwan he told me that he heared we sell the best weapons so he is coming to us with is member to get some weapons and his weapons out of ammo and became old after he told me that he will be at our base after 40min after i have gone of with him i went to get ready and get weapons for the deal after i have finished i found he came i opened the gate for him then he parked his car he got out and started to talk he told me that he want see the weapons and that to dont worry about price he followed me to the weapons i showed him m4 he told me that he want try then when he saw it he told me he like it and he told me he will buy i box of it then he told me that he want sniper with good scop i picked up sniper for him after he has finished he told me he will take 1 box from m4 and sniper then his member picked up boxes and loaded to car after that Mr.Mrwan picked up the money for the weapons and gave me then he got in his car and left PARTICIPANTS: Harb,Mrwan ScreenShots:https://postimg.cc/gallery/1aojirz7q/
  10. Event number: 61 Event type: Colt-LMS Prize(s): 1.000.000 $ LWS/G6/CEO Helper(s): [STF]Ramos Winner(s): [ThC]Raiden Screenshots: https://postimg.cc/gallery/2bxig0e12/
  11. Name:Blue House on richman property screenshots https://postimg.cc/gallery/2c3dyuh6u/
  12. Event number: 60 Event type: fallout Prize(s): 1.000.000 $ LWS/G6/CEO Helper(s): [FOX]Legend Winner(s): [ThC]Windows Screenshots: https://postimg.cc/gallery/1egfci7wm/
  13. Event number: 59 Event type: Chicken hunter Prize(s): 1.000.000 $ LWS/G6/CEO Helper(s): [B~B]Nyx_ Winner(s): SAPA|NH4 Screenshots: https://postimg.cc/gallery/ezsxc0sm/
  14. Event number: 58 Event type: Chicken shooter Prize(s): 1.000.000 $ LWS/G6/CEO Helper(s): [B~B]Nyx_ Winner(s): orchestra Screenshots: https://postimg.cc/gallery/2yhnm7k7a/
  15. Username:xxebashyvksahyxx last seen:27 july 2018 screenshots:https://postimg.cc/image/vj4meqlx1/
  16. Activity Check https://postimg.cc/image/dgpa58kat/
  17. RolePlay type:Selling weapons Story:i was at base then recieved a call from a famous gang in Los Santos Called cripz they told me they want weapons best kind the one who was talking to me called Madrazo he told me dont worry about price then i went to warehouse got some weapons then i loaded them to the car then moved to CripZ base when i reached there Mr.Madrazo open gate for me i parked my car then got out to talk we talked first then he told me that he want see the weapons i opened the trunk he felt intersting when he saw the m4 he asked me if he can try i told him ofc they he picked up m4 and tied it he shoot in the sky he asked me info about m4 i told him as you see our members devloped it to pick it easy also the scop clearly can get target easily and shoot 10 bullet per second he told me good will buy then i helped him to unload the weapons from cars after we have finished he ask me about price i told him3,000$ then he got the money and gave it to me i got in my car and left PARTICIPANTS: Harb,Madrazo ScreenShots:https://postimg.cc/gallery/1rvs5zz82/
  18. RolePlay Type:Money laundrying Story:oneday i was at base i recieved a call from a big buissnes man in San Fierro called tagy he told me that he is coming to my base he need my help i told him welcome when he reached our base he parked his car the got out he told me that he has got some cash from unliegal way and he want to trasfer it from San Fierro to Los Santos i told him ok give mee 1 day when he left i got my car and headed to the bank which Mr.Tagy gave me it when i reached there i said i want add this money to my bank account they took my IP and the money then they told me done check your bank account then i returned to my base i opened the computar and hacked bank system i transfered the bank from my bank account to another account (fake account) after i have done i headed to Los Santos bank to get the cash i gave them the fake IP of the bank account they gave me the cash i put it in my car and called Mr.Tagy i told him lets meet at Los Santos restaurnt when he came there i gave him bag of money he thanked me too much and told me see you around then left PARTICIPANTS: Harb,Tyga ScreenShots:https://postimg.cc/gallery/2u5x105jm/
  19. Nickname:Harb Username:omarharb Age:15 Nationality:Egyptian Languages you can speak:Arabic and English Player SAES Career Information: How long have you been playing on SAES?:i dont remember excatly but its about 1 year and 3 months Do you have past experience with other gangs/squads/companies? (name them):Yes i was in Overdoes Crim and CripZ If yes, explain the reasons why you left/got kicked from each of them: OverDoes Crim:kicked reason fight with leader CripZ:left for problems Have you ever been banned from SAES (if yes, please explain):no i havent What groups are you currently part of?:IAC,BES, Personality Information : What makes you special over the others and why should we accept you?:first i was RP manger in CripZ so i can help with RolePlays and i can help alot with my activity as i play about 7 or 8 hours (lifeless) and i can help with events and experince that i got from gangs also i follow orders and learn from fault fast and mature Explain in your own words the roleplay of Black~Bullets:All san andreas know thats black bullet is organization famous with assassinations they assassinate anyone they dont care who is he also they work in weapons they are famous with the best weapons in san andreas the base of black bullet at south of san fierro also they are famous with money laundering. Why did you apply specifically for Black~Bullets?:i used to hang with some members at past and i saw them 1 family always together no one leave his brother behind also i like thiere activity and i have many friends and members of it is very kind Do you know any B~B Member (as a friend), and did anyone recommend you to apply for us?:yes i know some members like melou,nyx,mark,a7md but no one of them suggested me to apply Anything else that you would like to add? [Optional]:N/A ##endspoiler
  20. @Blu u nub it's a game not a group
  21. Ah freedom figher best game ever <3
  22. Happy birthday tefa ya ngm @Tefa
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