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Everything posted by joakito

  1. Activty date: 06/12/2021 ^[Turfing SF WH against Z - HS] ^[] ^[] [s=Turfing][/s] [s=Zones] Before After
  2. ^[AA TR BR (8/8)] ^[]
  3. ^[AA SF BR (8/8)] ^[]
  4. ^[AA SF BR (8/8)] ^[]
  5. ^[AA SF BR (8/8)] ^[]
  6. ^[AA TR BR (8/8)] ^[]
  7. ^[AA LV BR (8/8)] ^[]
  8. Activity date: 27/11/12 ^[San Fierro Store Robbery] ^[Los Santos Store Robbery] ^[AA JailBreak]
  9. ^[AA RC BR (8/8)] ^[]
  10. ^[AA TR BR (8/8)] ^[]
  11. ^[Activity number # 5] ^[Activity type: Repairing] ^[CC Members / Participants: -] ^[Activity date: 09/11/2021] ^[Time spent: 20mins] ^[Screenshots: [s=Here]]
  12. ^[Activity number # 4] ^[Activity type: Rapiring] ^[CC Members / Participants: -] ^[Activity date: 05/11/2021] ^[Time spent: 30mins] ^[Screenshots: [s=Here]]
  13. ^[AA SF BR (8/8)] ^[]
  14. ^[Roleplay number # 1] ^[CC Members / Participants: @BurakO ] ^[Date: 03/11/2021] ^[Story:] It was a pretty boring day since these days I was working at night because a mate had symptoms of covid so I replaced him for a few days. I was patroling around Las Venturas, nothing new, there were only 2 hours left to go home, so I went down to get some air, I was about to go back up when I received the first call of the night, BurakO had an accident with a badly parked car near LV bank. when i went to the crash site I started to check the picador, since it seemed the most damaged, also it was Burako's picador. He was very lucky, it was only superficial damage, he needed to replace some parts that I didn't have in my car so I took the cars to the garage in Las Venturas. I went to buy A few things at the garage store, I needed a hood, front bumper, and a new glass for the left door. I started replacing the bumper and while I was doing it I went back to check the engine just in case, it was all well, just needed an oil change. After putting the front bumper, I change the oil so I could finish putting on the hood. Once I'm done with that I started to replace the left glass, I saw that the door was a little scratched, I asked Burako if he wanted me to do something with that, but he said no, since no It bothered him a lot , It seemed that the picador did not need anything else, my job was done with it. The Jester is missing, as it seemed to me at first it did not have much damage, in fact almost nothing had only some wheels needed more air, it did not seem that they are punctured but I had the doubt so I started to check, but yeah, It was just that , so I put them a little more air. It was weird for me that nothing happened to the Jester, but after hearing the story of Burako I understood. It seemed that my work was done, i looked at my watch and there were 8 minutes left until my working hours ended, so I took my things and went home after a long and boring night.. ^[Screenshots:[s=Here]]
  15. Type Of Activity: Trucking Date: 02/11/2021 Participants: - Screenshots:[s=Here]
  16. ^[Activity number # 3] ^[Activity type: Repairing] ^[CC Members / Participants: -] ^[Activity date: 02/11/2021] ^[Time spent: 20mins] ^[Screenshots: [s=Here]]
  17. ^[AA SF BR (8/8)] ^[]
  18. ^[Activity number # 2] ^[Activity type: Repairing] ^[CC Members / Participants: - ] ^[Activity date: 01/11/2021] ^[Time spent: 30mins] ^[Screenshots: [s=Here]![alt text](https://imgur.com/1BvbuMq.png]
  19. ^[Activity number #1] ^[Activity type: Patrol.] ^[CC Members / Participants: @Youssef-1 @Leonard ] ^[Activity date: 31/10/2021 ] ^[Time spent: 30 mins.] ^[Screenshots: [s=Here][]
  20. Activity date: 30/10/2021 ^[Helping O in their bank robbery at TR] ^[Helping O in their bank robbery at LV]
  21. Hey there! This is my topic where I will post all my CC's activities, have fun! ^[These are my formats!] ![alt text](https://imgur.com/M3vRIqz.png) ![alt text](https://imgur.com/XHLcVqq.png) ^[Activity number #] ^[Activity type:] ^[CC Members / Participants:] ^[Activity date:] ^[Time spent:] ^[Screenshots:] ![alt text](https://imgur.com/XHLcVqq.png) ![alt text](https://imgur.com/IDveKy7.png) ![alt text](https://imgur.com/XHLcVqq.png) ^[Roleplay number #] ^[CC Members / Participants:] ^[Date:] ^[Story:] ^[Screenshots:] ![alt text](https://imgur.com/XHLcVqq.png) ~[Amount of Actvities #]~(sienna) ~[Amount of Roleplays #]~(sienna)
  22. ^[AA TR BR (8/8)] ^[]
  23. This is an automated post TXN ID: 2H3150389M1333934 Donation Amount: 15.00GBP Link to your Donation Tracking/Points Topic: Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: Chetaah Vehicle Colour: I use /dvm Specify any upgrades: I use /dvm Usernames to lock: joacoBorasi Where you want it placed: [s=][/s] For any help with rewards, please check this topic.
  24. Display Name: JoakitO^ Username: joacoBorasi Link to ALL Donation Topics: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/25321/donation-joakito-amount-30-00-gbp https://saesrpg.uk/topic/25837/donation-joakito-amount-20-00-gbp Total number of Donation Points: 50
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